neutron starsneutronsTHE mass of a star is completely determined by its equation of state with appropriate boundary conditions. For neutron stars, because of their high density, the equation of state can usually be approximated by that of cold degenerate matter, because the stellar thermal energy ...
One of these processes could be mass accretion by a neutron star [19], if it happens that accretion produces luminosities very close to the Eddington limit L E = 4π G Mm pc/σT [20], where M is the mass of the star, σT is the Thomson scattering cross section, and m p is ...
If such a star has a radius of 32 km, what must be its minimum mass so that material on its surface remain Certain neutron stars (extremely dense stars) are believed to be rotating at about 1.7 rev/s. If such a star has a ...
They are used to model the explosive disruption of a minimum-mass neutron star—a key ingredient of the stripping model for short gamma-ray bursts. The shock breakout from the neutron star surface accompanied by the acceleration of matter to ultrarelativistic velocities is stu...
If the mass of a neutron star decreases below the minimum stable mass, it becomes dynamically unstable against adiabatic perturbations, which may lead to an explosion even if the perturbations do not conserve entropy. We numerically investigated the dynamical instability of such a neutron star, the...