Before comparing the results of neutron star properties in GR and mimetic gravity, we should note that in Figs.1,2,3,4and5, we consider\(1\sigma (\% 63)\)and\(2\sigma (\% 95)\)mass–radius constraints from the gravitational wave event GW170817 by the blue and orange clouded regions...
in comparison with those of a normal star (about 104) and awhite dwarf(108). These show, however, that most of the emission is typical of a blackbody, and that flux redistribution because of the opacity edges at ionization limits alters the shape of the flux profile but cannot explain the...
The oscillation of neutronninto mirror neutronn', its mass degenerate partner from dark mirror sector, can gradually transform the neutron stars into the mixed stars consisting in part of mirror dark matter. In quark starsn-n'transitions are suppressed. We study the structure of mixed stars and...
Next time you pick up a six-pack of beer, consider this metaphor for comparison of the energy potential of uranium relative to other energy dense fuels. The UK National Nuclear Laboratory has a great image of a 12 oz can of beer with the caption, “If nuclear energy powered your entire ...
These interesting objects are born from once-large stars that grew to four to eight times the size of our ownsunbefore exploding in catastrophicsupernovae. After one such explosion blows a star's outer layers into space, the core remains—but it no longer produces nuclear fusion. With no ou...
/p(d), is defined in terms of a priorp(θ) and a likelihoodp(d|θ). For GW inference, the likelihood is constructed by combining models for waveforms and detector noise. The Bayesian evidence,p(d), corresponds to the normalization of the posterior and can be used for model comparison....
(c, orange) and for the joint constraint (d, blue). The prior 95% contour is shown inb–dfor comparison.e,f, Posterior distributions for the radii of\(1.4{M}_{\odot }\)(e) and\(2{M}_{\odot }\)(f) stars at different stages of our analysis, with the combined Astro +...
(section 2.2 ); for comparison we also show, by dotted lines, t f , t m and t pi for b = 0. for further explanation see the text. from [ 184 ]. full size image figure 3 left panel: melting temperature versus density. right panel: electron and ion plasma temperature versus density...
Full size image Results are shown in Fig. 7, where the same thermodynamical quantities as in Fig. 3 are plotted for the crust. The comparison of Figs. 3 and Fig. 7 shows the additional contribution of the nuclear clusters and the electrons. The baryon densities in Fig. 7 are chosen to...
Finite size effectsIn this work we study molecular dynamics simulations of symmetric nuclear and neutron star matter using a semi-classical nucleon interaction model. Our aim is to gain insight on the nature of the so-called "finite size effects", unavoidable in this kind of simulations, and ...