Answer to: Regardless of water intake or availability, the minimum amount of urine that must be excreted each day to eliminate waste products is...
After a 3-day standard regimen of 25 mg kg–1 chloroquine, the peak concentration in blood is achieved by day 3, at >1000 ng ml–1 chloroquine (and desethylchloroquine, its active metabolite). Drug concentration then decreases, with residual amounts of chloroquine detected up to 2 ...
To determine the minimum amount of oat β-glucan (OBG) required to reduce glycaemic responses (MinDose), we conducted a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of acute, crossover, single-meal feeding trials that examined the effects of adding OBG or oat bran to a carbohydrate-containing...
The amounts of animal-sourced foods required to achieve a least-cost nutritious diet depend on the food prices prevalent in each country. Using linear programming, we determine least-cost dietary patterns in the United States and the constituent amounts of animal-sourced foods. We considered local...
Plant phenotypic data shrouds a wealth of information which, when accurately analysed and linked to other data types, brings to light the knowledge about the mechanisms of life. As phenotyping is a field of research comprising manifold, diverse and time-
Answer to: In the event of a chemical splash to the eyes, they should be flushed with water for a minimum of a. 2 minutes. b. 5 minutes. c. 10...
Minimum effective concentration (MEC) is the minimum plasma concentration of a drug needed to achieve sufficient drug concentration at the receptors to produce the desired pharmacologic response, if drug molecules in plasma are in equilibrium with drug molecules in the various tissues (Figure 1.3). ...
gigajoules per year per capita59), water (average water footprint of consumption for 1996–2005 in cubic metres per year per capita60), food (protein consumption in grams per day per capita61) and infrastructure (produced capital from the Inclusive Wealth Index (IWI) in US$ per capita62)....
Shrimp feeds depend on high levels of digestible protein and essential amino acids, which can be sourced from various commercially available feed ingredients. Marine proteins can be used to partially fulfill the requirements of these and other important nutrients. Their utilization is further influenced...
[5]. Plant-based diets would require older adults to eat a larger quantity of food to meet their IAA and protein needs, which increases the risk of obesity since energy needs decrease with age [6]. Therefore, meeting the SAA needs of older adults, especially in males, on a predominately...