minimax detection theory 极小极大检测理论 minimax loss 极小极大损失 minimax principle 极大极小原理,最小最大原则 minimax technique 极小-极大法,极小极大技术 相似单词 minimax 最小最大 search n. 1. 搜索;搜寻;搜查;查找 2. (在网上或计算机数据库里)搜索;检索 3. 检索,查找 4. 调查;探查,...
如下图Figure5所示的minimax树,我们来讲讲它的根节点左侧的alpha-beta剪枝过程,右侧就不赘述了,原理一模一样,可以自己推一下作为练习。 step1: 初始化,是递归调用,每一个节点的alpha的初始值均是负无穷,因为alpha要负责记录最大值;每一个节点的beta的初始值均是正无穷,因为beta要负责记录最小值。 step2: 我们...
minimax search 设计象棋等AI模型时常常需要使用博弈论的思想,minimax search就是一种基于当前状态推测出使我方最有利而对方最不利的行动,在实际模型中需要考虑状态函数,树的深度,时间成本等等因素,这里只讲一个最简单的例子说明minmax search的计算过程。 假设根据当前局面我们得到一个下图所示的博弈树: 从上往下,单数...
We present a very simple selective minimax search algorithm for two-player games. It always expands next the frontier node at the end of the principal variation, or current best line of play, which is the node that determines the minimax value of the root. The algorithm requires no ...
Minimax search is the most basic class of algorithms for game playing, but when use in isolation, it fails for a certain class of games called Mancala that Ayo, which is also known as Awari or Awale belongs. However, when unswervingly complemented with a powerful refinement procedure, it prov...
This paper introduces Monte Carlo *-Minimax Search (MCMS), a Monte Carlo search algorithm for turned-based, stochastic, two-player, zero-sum games of perfect information. The algorithm is designed for the class of of densely stochastic games; that is, games where one would rarely expect to ...
In 2-player games, MCTS is a form of minimax search, and indeed converges to the minimax-...
Minimax Search Animations with Manim General Animations using the python library Manim, created for an educational capsule on minimax search. Explanations and examples heavily based on Chapter 6 of the book by Russel & Norvig: Artificial intelligence: A Modern Approach. Compilation Step 1: Prepare Yo...
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Horacek, Minimax search algorithms with and without aspiration windows, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13 (1991) 1225-1235... TS Anantharaman - Carnegie Mellon University. 被引量: 0发表: 1990年 Tree Searching Algorithms Much of the work on search in artificial intelligence deals wit...