Minimax Search,直面翻译,即最小最大算法,这里面蕴含这一种对抗的思想,比如多智能体之间在一个task中存在竞争关系,一方想尽办法将这个利益最大化,另一方希望将这个利益最小化。 Minimax算法是Pessimistic的,总是觉得”对手“agent拥有完美的决策能力,所以每次决策时,希望找到对方让我方陷入最坏情况的各种策略中的较好...
minimax search in game trees 博弈树极大极小搜索 minimax rule 极小极大规则 minimax decision rule 极小化最大判决定则 minimax detection theory 极小极大检测理论 minimax loss 极小极大损失 minimax principle 极大极小原理,最小最大原则 minimax technique 极小-极大法,极小极大技术 相似...
我们的计算机的算力是有限的,如果说没有办法把整棵树给探索一遍的话,那就只能够限制树的遍历深度或者剪枝了。 先来讲讲限制树的遍历深度,也就是DLS(Depth Limited Search)。比如下图Figure7这样,d代表树的总深度,l代表被限制遍历的深度。那么很显然,蓝色框内的叶子节点就无法被探索到了,取而代之的是绿色部分...
We present a very simple selective minimax search algorithm for two-player games. It always expands next the frontier node at the end of the principal variation, or current best line of play, which is the node that determines the minimax value of the root. The algorithm requires no ...
This paper introduces Monte Carlo *-Minimax Search (MCMS), a Monte Carlo search algorithm for turned-based, stochastic, two-player, zero-sum games of perfect information. The algorithm is designed for the class of of densely stochastic games; that is, games where one would rarely expect to ...
Minimax search is the most basic class of algorithms for game playing, but when use in isolation, it fails for a certain class of games called Mancala that Ayo, which is also known as Awari or Awale belongs. However, when unswervingly complemented with a powerful refinement procedure, it prov...
Parallel Randomized Best-First MinimaxSearch1Yaron Shoham2 , Sivan Toledo 3School of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv UniversityAbstractWe describe a novel parallel randomized search algorithm for two-player games. Thealgorithm is a randomized version of Korf and Chickering’s best-f i rst search. Ran-...
[关键词] 黑白棋 C++ minmax搜索算法 游戏 MFC vs2017 Design and implementation of black and white flipped chess game based on minimax search algorithm [Abstract] this paper describes the design and implementation of black and white flip chess game based on C + + minimax search algorithm in windo...
Ballard BW (1983) The ∗ -minimax search procedure for trees containing chance nodes. Artif Intell 21:327–350 Article Google Scholar Baudet GM (1978) The design and analysis of algorithms for asynchronous multiprocessors. PhD Thesis Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA, CMU-CS-78-116 Googl...
We describe a very simple selective search algorithm for two-player games, called best-first minimax. It always expands next the node at the end of the expected line of play, which determines the minimax value of the root. It uses the same information as alpha-beta minimax, and takes rough...