简易精神状况检查法(mini—mental state examination,MMSE) 帕金森病简易精神状况检查法MMSE摘要:现代神经疾病杂志
阿尔兹海默症的测试表。这是我当时在老人院工作时给老人使用的简易精神状态评价量表(Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE)。我们每年都要给他们测试一次,测试结果记录在每个人的档案里。这个测试是由美国人于1975 - 胡胡于20240707发布在抖音,已经收获了13.4万个喜欢,来
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most widely used screening test for impairment of cognitive function. Developed by American psychiatrist Marshal F. Folstein and colleagues, this brief and easy-to-administer test is used to identify persons with dementia. Personality functioning and ps...
简易精神状态检查表(mini-mental state examination, MMSE) Folstein(1975)等的简易精神状态检查表(MMSE)作为认知障碍检查方法,应用得较多,范围较广,不仅可用于临床认知障碍检查,还可以用于社区人群中痴呆的筛选。该方法与WAIS测验结果比较,一致性较理想。各国在引进时,对其在不同文化背景下的效度和信度,以及影响评定结...
简易精神状态检查表(mini-mental state examination, MMSE) Folstein(1975)等的简易精神状态检查表(MMSE)作为认知障碍检查方法,应用得较多,范围较广,不仅可用于临床认知障碍检查,还可以用于社区人群中痴呆的筛选。该方法与WAIS测验结果比较,一致性较理想。各国在引进时,对其在不同文化背景下的效度和信度,以及影响评定...
简易精神状态检查表(Mini—Mental State ExaminatiOn MMSE) 1.介绍 1975年Folstein等设计了一个用于评定老年人认知功能障碍等级的量表,并且被用于检查Alzheimer病早老性痴呆和治疗的效果,但是对于治疗后的改变其敏感性差。此量表因为设计合理,应用广泛和简洁,是医生很好的选择。 2.内容 (1)今年是公元哪年? 1 0 (2...
The MMSE is the most commonly used cognitive test. It is more geared towards detecting memory, attention, construction, orientation, and language deficits, and is less sensitive to executive dysfunction.
Mini Mental State Examination gives the 'mini-mental state' examination of cognitive function. This is a 5-minute bedside test that is useful as a screen and in assessing the degree of cognitive dysfunction in patients with diffuse brain disorders. It correlates well with more time-consuming ...