mini‐mental state examination ‐ brief cognitive assessmentMini‐Mental Status Examination (MMSE) ‐ a scored, 10‐minute form of traditional cognitive mental status examinationMMSE, excellent test–retest and inter‐rater reliabilityMMSE and floor and ceiling effects ‐ severely impaired patients, ...
Mini Mental State Examination gives the 'mini-mental state' examination of cognitive function. This is a 5-minute bedside test that is useful as a screen and in assessing the degree of cognitive dysfunction in patients with diffuse brain disorders. It correlates well with more time-consuming ...
简易精神状态检查表(mini-mentalstateexamination,MMSE)Folstein(1975)等的简易精神状态检查表(MMSE)应用得较多,范围较广,不仅可用于临床认知障碍检查,还可以用于社区人群WAIS对其在不同文化背景下的效度和信度,以及影响评定结果的因素也进行过较为系统的研究,认为MMSE9-1)。2030109889030172024分为痴呆。表9-1 简易精神...
首页 医学教育 资料学习 简易精神状态检查表(mini-mental state examination, MMSE) 简易精神状态检查表(mini-mental state examination, MMSE) 阅读(666) 上一篇:语言-认知障碍评定系列表 注意力评定 下一篇:MMSE 中医理论基础 查看 热门标签 糖尿病 高血压 痛风 儿童 诊断 哮喘 相关推荐 ...
1、简易智力状况检查法(mini-mental state examination ,MMSE)该表简单易行,国内外广泛应用,是痴呆筛查的首选量表。该量表包括以下7个方面:时间定向力,地点定向力,即刻记忆,注意力及计算力,延迟记忆,语言,视空间。共30项题目,每项回答正确得1分,回答错误或答不知道评0分,量表总分范围为0-30分。测验成绩与文化水...
简易智力状况检查法(mini-mental state examination ,MMSE) 该表简单易行,国内外广泛应用,是痴呆筛查的首选量表。该量表包括以下7个方面:时间定向力,地点定向力,即刻记忆,注意力及计算力,延迟记忆,语言,视空间。共30项题目,每项回答正确得1分,回答错误或答不知道评0分,量表总分范围为0-30分。测验成绩与文化水平...
Age and education have been found to affect the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of elderly normals, but there have been no studies assessing the influence of environmental and behavioral factors on this test. We therefore administered the MMSE to 1437 normal elderly subjects in the ...
Mini-Mental State Examination - 2nd Edition (MMSE-2) 热度: Montreal Cognitive Assessment Performance in Patients with Parkinson's Disease with Normal Global Cognition According to Mini-Mental State Examination Score 热度: standardized mini-mental state examination smmse:标准化简易精神状态检查smmse ...
MINI -MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION (MMSE)Form 2 M INI –M ENTAL S TATE E XAMINATION (MMSE)簡短智能測驗 姓名: ___ 性別/年齡:___ 評估日期: ___ __ 評估員:___最高分數分數 5 ( ) ORIENTATION 依家係乜野日子?(年份)、(季節)、(月份)、(幾號)、(星期幾)5 ( ) ...