藤蔓 vine climbable enchantment_power_transmitter fall_damage_resetting mangrove_logs_can_grow_through mangrove_roots_can_grow_through mineable/axe replaceable replaceable_by_trees sword_efficient block.minecraft.vine 基岩版: 名稱命名空間ID數字ID 本地化鍵名 藤蔓 vine 106 tile.vine.name 方塊...
基岩版使用了修改后的Google的LevelDB(Zlib压缩格式)来储存世界格式资料。 Mojang修改了谷歌的原始LevelDB以加入对Zlib压缩格式和Windows系统的支持。代码可以在Github页面访问,且编写指引由Tommaso在此处提供。 对于Java版的LevelDB + Zlib,请见此Github页面。 Google
/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ 输入指令可以刷出一只僵尸 /summon Cow - 牛 /summon Chicken - 鸡 /summon MushroomCow - 蘑菇牛 /summon Bat - 蝙蝠 /summon Pig - 猪 /summon EntityHorse - 马 /summon Sheep - 羊 /summon Villager - 村民 /summon VillagerGolem - 铁傀儡 /summon SnowMan ...
· #noteblock_top_instruments:zombie_head、skeleton_skull、creeper_head、dragon_head、wither_skeleton_skull、piglin_head和player_head。 · #sniffer_food:torchflower_seeds。 · #trim_materials:amethyst_shard、copper_ingot、diamond、emerald、gold_ingot、iron_ingot、...
Just like using blocks, water can also be used to reduce fall damage. Using water is even better than using blocks or items because it completely removes any fall damage the player would take. Minecrafters should be careful while spamming the right click because if they do it too fast, the...
deals_damage true Boolean If true, the damage dealt to the entity will remove health, if false the entity will ignore the damage. Defines how received damage affects the entity: - "yes", received damage is applied to the entity. - "no", received damage is not...
In many ways it is similar to a regular zombie, but is armed with a special ax that can instantly break a vanilla wooden shield, and also has high damage. After death, he has a chance to drop his axe. Swarmer A zombie infected with flies, which has become a living nest for them....
24w06a是Java版1.20.5的第8个快照,发布于2024年2月7日,加入了“日本字形变体”语言选项,优化了漏斗,丰富了犰狳的蜷缩行为,在内置实验性数据包中加入了物品形式的风弹,并修复了一些漏洞。 新内容 常规 属性 ·加入了generic.gravity,用于控制实体的重力加速度,值域为-1~1。
Damage dealt per fallen block is increased by 1 per level of Density 致密魔咒每增加 1 级,下落...