可以给每一个世界都设定一个边界来阻止玩家穿越。 不同的世界可以设定不同形状的边界。 可以设定圆形、方形的边界。V1.7.0版本内新增了自定义边界形状的功能! 可以通过游戏中的指令或者控制台来进行修改。无需在config配置文件内修改。 如果玩家使用载具穿越边界,载具会停下来并把载具和玩家拖回边界内并且会被拖到...
Map Info Unfair Out of Bounds (part 1) is an unfair map where You have to escape by expanding the World Border. This is also the first ...
startWithMapEnabled:玩家是否携带地图首次生成。 texturePacksRequired:是否需要携带特定纹理包生成。 tntexplodes:TNT是否能够破坏地形。 useMsaGamertagsOnly:是否在仅在游戏中使用玩家的Xbox代号。本地存档默认为0,Realms世界默认为1。 Difficulty:世界难度。0为和平,1为简单,2为普通,3为困难。 eduOffer:是否为教育版...
5.THE BAT – Batman Open-World Mapv1.0 Updated Maps Evergrowthv1.5 Open Betav1.1 Parkour Limbov2.0 Bessemer Cityv2.1 The Legend of the Blue Tide: Episode 1v1.2 Order by: Default|Author|Date|Downloads 1 2 3 4 Maps: Page 1 of 22 ...
World Border is a minimalistic configurable mod which allows the creation of a configurable world border, limiting the world size. This can prevent infinitely large file sizes or keep a community of players closer together. You can also loop around the world when hitting a world border, ...
MAP11有两个名字! 指游戏《毁灭战士II》中的MAP11关卡有"Circle of Death"和"The 'O' of Destruction"两个名字。 Alpha v1.0.13 179 Omnipotent!无所不能! Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 180 Gasp!气喘吁吁! Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 181 ...! Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 ...
Customizable map markers for,BlueMap, andsquaremap Permissions chunky.command.borderGrants access to border commands chunkyborder.bypass.moveBypass border movement checks chunkyborder.bypass.placeBypass border block placement checks Commands chunky...UseChunky's commandsto create your world border selection ...
您可以在XaeroWorldMap目录中的特定于服务器的配置中使用“ignoreServerLevelId”关闭此功能。", "gui.xaero_mw_server_box": "地图选择由服务器自动控制。 你可以在XaeroWorldMap目录中的特定于服务器的配置中 通过“ignoreServerLevelId”关闭此功能。", "gui.xaero_wm_next": "下一页 >>", "gui.xae...
mipmap conditional placeholder chain inner cauldron water lily cake bottom cactus deny allow build brick brewing border bookshelf stage side feet top base anvil slot access overlap destination usage clone region criteria fixed match clear classroom launch contain buffer found layer empty vertices chunk ...
'This player is currently hidden from the map\nDouble-click to follow player when they become visible', playersTitleOtherWorld: 'This player is in another world.\nClick to center on player\nDouble-click to follow player', playersSearchPlaceholder: 'Search players...', playersSearchSkeleton: '...