Woodland Mansion: Vex Armor Trim 林地府邸:恼鬼盔甲纹饰 Nether Fortress: Rib Armor Trim 下界要塞:肋骨盔甲纹饰 Bastion Remnant: Snout Armor Trim 堡垒遗迹:猪鼻盔甲纹饰 Stronghold: Eye Armor Trim 要塞:眼眸盔甲纹饰 End City: Spire Armor Trim 末地城:尖塔盔甲纹饰 Smithing Templates are found in chests...
class StructureFeatureType(object): Unknown = 0 EndCity = 1 Fortress = 2 Mineshaft = 3 Monument = 4 Stronghold = 5 Temple = 6 Village = 7 WoodlandMansion = 8 Shipwreck = 9 BuriedTreasure = 10 Ruins = 11 PillagerOutpost = 12 RuinedPortal = 13 Bastion = 14 ...
Ocean Explorer Map 海洋探险家地图 Return Portal 回归传送门 Shulker Box 潜影盒 Shulker Shell 潜影壳 Totem of Undying 不死图腾 Vex 恼鬼 Vindicator 卫道士 Woodland Explorer Map 林地探险家地图 Woodland Mansion 林地府邸 Java版1.11.1新内容英文中文 Iron Nugget 铁粒 Sweeping Edge 横扫之刃 更改...
Woodland Mansion 'Arena' room had incorrect slab type floor (MCPE-41335) 修复了林地府邸的“竞技场”部分台阶类型不正确的问题 Players now receive conduit power effect when in the rain (MCPE-35941) 在下雨天玩家也可以得到可以潮涌能量的加成了 Cocoa Pods now break when in water (MCPE-36335) 可可...
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Woodland Mansion Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playingSSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the/seedcommand ingame...
Woodland Mansion's entrance now uses Cobblestone Slabs (MCPE-169038) 林地府邸的入口现在使用了圆石台阶(MCPE-169038) Iron Bars and Glass Panes now can connect to Pistons (MCPE-64745) 铁栅栏和玻璃板现在可以与活塞连接(MCPE-64745) Dead Bush can now be placed on Grass Blocks and Moss Blocks (MCPE...
The sound for picking up items is now played when using the ‘/give’ command 当使用 “/give...
MC-125090 - Cartographer doesn't unlock woodland mansion map trades 制图师无法解锁林地府邸地图的交易 MC-125462 - Waterlogged blocks does not decrease light level 被水淹没的方块不会降低亮度 MC-125872 - Superflat preset "The Void" doesn't generate starting platform anymore ...
Buried Treasure buried_treasure Woodland Mansion mansion Shipwreck shipwreck Ocean Monument monument Swamp hut swamp_hut Nether Fortress fortress Pillager Outpost pillager_outpost Warm Ocean Ruins ocean_ruin_warm Cold Ocean Ruins ocean_ruin_cold Mineshaft mineshaft ...
Ender Pearls no longer generate as Glow Sticks in Woodland Mansion chests (MCPE-137440) 在林地府邸的箱子中末影珍珠不再生成为荧光棒 (MCPE-137440) Mobs 生物 Fixed an issue preventing Tropical Fish from spawning in Lush Caves (MCPE-144070) ...