为minecraft:spawn_entity 加入了 spawn_item_event 事件,生成物品时会调用该事件 Attribute "speed_multiplier" in the "minecraft:boostable" component is now being parsed correctly from json file. Old behavior is maintained for "format_version" lower than 1.20 with 1.35 value rather than what the jso...
Realm的名称会在暂停菜单中显示了 Spawnpoint Command The '/spawnpoint' command can now be used in the Nether /spawnpoint 指令能用于下界了 Mojang Studios The splash screen has been updated with the shiny, new Mojang Studios logo! 将初始界面换成新的Mojang Studios LOGO! 来自MCBBS[zyjking]https:...
Chain Command Block连锁型命令方块 Chorus Flower紫影花 Chorus Fruit紫影果 Chorus Plant紫影植物 Chorus Tree紫影树 Dragon Head龙首 Dragon's Breath龙息 Elytra滑翔翅 End City末地城 End Gateway (Portal)末地折跃门 End Rod末地烛 End Ship末地船 End Stone Brick末地石砖 Frost ...
描述 描述生物群系枚举值,主要用于API文档中的mobSpawn组件,设置世界的生成生物规则class BiomeType: ocean = 0 plains = 1 desert = 2 extreme_hills = 3 forest = 4 taiga = 5 swampland = 6 river = 7 hell = 8 the_end = 9 legacy_frozen_ocean = 10 frozen_river = 11 ice_plains = 12 ice...
Woodland Mansion 'Arena' room had incorrect slab type floor (MCPE-41335) 修复了林地府邸的“竞技场”部分台阶类型不正确的问题 Players now receive conduit power effect when in the rain (MCPE-35941) 在下雨天玩家也可以得到可以潮涌能量的加成了 Cocoa Pods now break when in water (MCPE-36335) 可可...
Whether or not the command block is conditional. State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Command Block (any variant) delayThe amount of time between receiving a signal and responding. State value Blocks Integer (1 to 4) Redstone Repeater ...
Resin Clumps can be found in the Woodland Mansion chest loot 树脂团可以在林地府邸箱子战利品中找到 ...
Chests: Enchanted items can be discovered in rare chests that spawn in various in-game structures. Your best odds for finding these are in end cities. Bartering with Piglins: In the Nether, you can obtain enchanted items through bartering with Piglins. ...
Using Woodland Mansion Finder, you can quickly spot Mansions in your Minecraft world on an interactive map. Villages Ever tried to build your own village, but your villagers wouldn't breed? Or have you tried building an iron golem farm, but the golems wouldn't spawn? This tutorial will wi...
After you've set some criteria use/findseed nextor/findseed next_bedrock. Once a seed is found you will be placed in the overworld at world spawn. You can simply run the "next" command again to go to the next seed that matches. ...