Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Windows10 .mcworld后缀的存档 1 打开游戏找到标记的按钮 2 点击后选择.mcworld的目录即可 3 点击确定就会显示你导入的存档了 解压过的存档(一大堆文件的)1 如果是一个非.mcworld的压缩文件,请先进行解压 2 找到存档所在的路径,这里以mcbe文件夹为例 3 Win + R唤出运行,输入C:\...
✅Windows 11, ✅Windows 11 SE, ✅Windows 10 意見反應 本文內容 Minecraft Education 重要功能 試用或購買 Minecraft Education 指派Minecraft Education 授權 散發Minecraft Education Minecraft Education 是以遊戲為基礎的平臺,可透過遊戲來激發創意和包容性學習。 探索可解除鎖定新方式以處理任何主題或挑戰的封鎖世...
本吧热帖: 1-minecraftwin10edition吧官方答疑组招聘 2-Xbox联机交流贴 3-?经典科技魔法?日常稳定50-100人哦?新周目火爆开启? 4-1.7.10落日余烬?工业 神秘 拔刀 AE 热力?新周目 5-求助,我的win10版本为什么鼠标会移动到游戏外面去? 6-求助,游戏时鼠标移出游戏界面 7-win1
有不同的方式可在 Windows 裝置上安裝 Minecraft Education。 您可以在每個裝置上手動安裝應用程式,也可以使用部署工具將應用程式散發到多個裝置。如果您使用 Microsoft Intune 來管理裝置,請遵循下列步驟來部署 Minecraft Education:移至Microsoft Intune 系統管理中心 選取[應用程式 > ] [Windows > 新增] 在[應用...
Receive a one-year subscription to Minecraft: Education Edition free when you purchase a new Windows 10 device for your school
Also, people often confuse theMinecraft Windows 10 Editionwith the standard game played on a Windows 10 operating system. These are two different game versions, so check the documentation of any game you buy to know you’re getting the right one. ...
Minecraft for Windows 10, aka Bedrock edition, has been upgraded with cutting-edge path-traced ray tracing, enabling gamers and world builders to craft incredible new sights and immersive environments. To take full advantage of the new possibilities ray tracing introduced in the free 1.16.200 updat...
将 ItemStopUseOnEvent 的blockLocation: Vec3 属性修改为 block: Block ProjectileHitEvent property faceLocation: Vec2 has been changed to faceLocation: Vec3 - This position is relative to the bottom north-west corner of the block 将 ProjectileHitEvent 的faceLocation: Vec2 属性修改为 faceLocation...
Feature-rich server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition & Windows 10 Edition Beta - iTXTech/Genisys
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