Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Windows10 .mcworld后缀的存档 1 打开游戏找到标记的按钮 2 点击后选择.mcworld的目录即可 3 点击确定就会显示你导入的存档了 解压过的存档(一大堆文件的)1 如果是一个非.mcworld的压缩文件,请先进行解压 2 找到存档所在的路径,这里以mcbe文件夹为例 3 Win + R唤出运行,输入C:\...
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✅Windows 11, ✅Windows 11 SE, ✅Windows 10 意見反應 本文內容 Minecraft Education 重要功能 試用或購買 Minecraft Education 指派Minecraft Education 授權 散發Minecraft Education Minecraft Education 是以遊戲為基礎的平臺,可透過遊戲來激發創意和包容性學習。 探索可解除鎖定新方式以處理任何主題或挑戰的封鎖世...
Receive a one-year subscription to Minecraft: Education Edition free when you purchase a new Windows 10 device for your school
有不同的方式可在 Windows 裝置上安裝 Minecraft Education。 您可以在每個裝置上手動安裝應用程式,也可以使用部署工具將應用程式散發到多個裝置。如果您使用 Microsoft Intune 來管理裝置,請遵循下列步驟來部署 Minecraft Education:移至Microsoft Intune 系統管理中心 選取[應用程式 > ] [Windows > 新增] 在[應用...
Feature-rich server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition & Windows 10 Edition Beta - iTXTech/Genisys
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition for Windows $39.99+ Games includedMinecraft Dungeons for WindowsMinecraft Launcher Add-ons includedMinecraft Dungeons: Jungle Awakens for WindowsMinecraft Dungeons: Creeping Winter for WindowsMinecraft Dungeons: Howling Peaks for WindowsMinecraft Dungeons: Flames of the Nether...
Finally,cut and pasteorclick and dragtheserver.jarfile from its original location into theMinecraft Serverfolder. Step 5: First-Time Startup To run your Minecraft server, you’ll need to open another Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (MacOS). ...