编辑时请遵守着作权协议,请勿从他处复制文字至本wiki。 Minecraft 开发作者 Mojang Studios (创作者) Xbox游戏工作室(基岩版和教育版) SkyBox Labs (基岩版) 4J Studios (原主机版) Other Ocean Interactive (New Nintendo 3DS版) 运行平台 Java版 基岩版 接收更新 后向兼容 教育版 编写语言/引擎 ...
编辑时请遵守着作权协议,请勿从他处复制文字至本wiki。 闪烁标语(Splash)是主菜单上的黄色单行文本。其内容由下表中随机选取,并且通常引自流行文化(如网站、精悍引述和电子游戏等)。 在Java版中,这些标语以纯文本文件的形式在minecraft.jar(assets/minecraft/texts/splashes.txt)文件中定义,可在此或资源包中对应...
Multiplayer in Minecraft is available through direct game-to-game multiplayer, LAN play, local split-screen, and servers (player-hosted and business-hosted). It enables multiple players to interact and communicate with each other on a single world.[56] Players can run their own servers, use a...
Splash texts are the yellow lines of text on the title screen. They are randomly chosen from the list below and often feature references to popular culture (e.g. websites, quotes, and video games). The splash pulsates on the title screen twice per second
The in-game music has also been altered to include villager like noises, and also features a villager version of the "Game of Thrones" theme on the title screen. The sounds originate from the sound resource pack created by Element Animation, titled The Element Animation Villager Sound Resource...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 93 Commits buildSrc common fabric forge gradle/wrapper neoforge .gitattributes .gitignore README.md build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle Better Title Screen Download onCurseForge ...
Better Title Screen is a client-side mod that provides options to customize Minecraft's title screen. The main feature of Better Title Screen is the ability to add custom text to the title screen including support for colored text and multiple lines. Better Title Screen can also be used to ...
This mod add mobs render in title screen.ConfigurationConfig file will automatically generate at first launch.{ //This will force override blacklist, leave blank to disable this "whitelist": [], "blacklist": [ "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:ender_dragon" ] } ...
wiki.vg- Technical Minecraft wiki. Forums Minecraft Forums- Official community forums, a great place to talk about the game. Planet Minecraft- Creative community fansite. Indexes MCDOC- The Index of Minecraft Tools and Unlockers Mod Libraries ...
TitleDisplayOptions Vector2 Vector3 VectorXZ WorldSoundOptions Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 ...