The most annoying sound in the world!世界上最恼人的声音! 阿呆与阿瓜中的台词。 Spared no expense!不惜工本! 侏罗纪公园中的另一句台词。 A whole new world!整整一个新世界! You can't handle the truth!你无法掌控真相! 好人寥寥中的台词。 Party time! Excellent!派对时间!真不错! Rufio...
目前乐高Minecraft分为四个尺寸:微型世界系列(Micro World)、普通套装、大人仔系列(BigFig)和方头仔系列(BrickHeadz)。 Minecraft丛书 主条目:Minecraft丛书 官方Minecraft丛书是Minecraft的一系列指南,专门为Minecraft新手和想成为高质量书籍收藏家的人而写。这些图书由不同的作者所写,其中一些作者是知名的Minecraft人物,...
Push boundaries with the increased world height and traverse the updated terrain. Caves and Cliffs Update Part I Go underwater to team up with the axolotl and bask in the light of the glow squid. When you reach higher ground, tread carefully because the goats might ram you! Want to build...
Better Title Screen provides the ability to change the Minecraft title screen text. - GirafiStudios/BetterTitleScreen
继而通过 的 createNormalMenuOptions 方法: private void createNormalMenuOptions(int p_96764_, int p_96765_) { this.addRenderableWidget(Button.builder(Component.translatable("menu.singleplayer"), (p_280832_) -> { this.minecraft.set...
Better Title Screen is a client-side mod that provides options to customize Minecraft's title screen.
TitleScreenMobs-0.1-forge.jar Supported Versions 1.19.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:title-screen-mobs-1094310:5680180") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disa...
Don’t miss out on these best free Minecraft intro makers to easily create stunning intros that will immerse your players in the world of Minecraft!Click to Tweet Conclusion All these options presented above are the best Minecraft intro makers. Other than that, these 7 free tools provide effect...
import { world, EntityInventoryComponent, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function getFirstHotbarItem(log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) { const inventory = player.getComponent(EntityInve...
The Create New World screen now uses a separate light_dirt_background.png for its background, unlike other screens 创建新世界屏幕现在使用独立的 light_dirt_background.png 作为背景,不同于其它屏幕COMMANDS命令CLONECLONEThe clone command now supports specifying the source and target dimensions. 现在clone...