Tinted Glass 遮光玻璃 Tuff 凝灰岩 Water Cauldron 装有水的炼药锅 Waxed Block of Copper 涂蜡铜块 Waxed Cut Copper 涂蜡切制铜块 Waxed Exposed Copper 斑驳的涂蜡铜块 Waxed Exposed Cut Copper 斑驳的涂蜡切制铜块 Waxed Oxidized Copper 氧化的涂蜡铜块 Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper 氧化的涂...
遮光玻璃 tinted_glass ID相同 TNT tnt ID相同 火把 torch ID相同 陷阱箱 trapped_chest ID相同 绊线 tripwire ID不同 绊线钩 tripwire_hook ID相同 管珊瑚 tube_coral ID相同 管珊瑚块 tube_coral_block ID相同 管珊瑚扇 tube_coral_fan ID相同 墙上的管珊瑚扇 tube_coral_wall_fan 物品的放...
在版本19w08a的纹理更新中,改成了如今的纹理。 Java版1.17的首个版本20w45a加入了遮光玻璃,其英文名称“Tinted glass”与Minecraft 2.0中的有色玻璃相同 生物 马 当用刷怪蛋生成牛或猪时,有概率生成马。 与1.6.1中的马不同,这些马是设德兰矮种马(事实上是猪)和马(事实上是牛)。 骑马的方法和骑猪的方法类...
Azalea 杜鹃花丛 Azalea Leaves 杜鹃树叶 Block of Amethyst 紫水晶块 Block of Copper 铜块 Block of Raw Copper 粗铜块 Block of Raw Gold 粗金块 Block of Raw Iron 粗铁块 Budding Amethyst 紫水晶母岩 Bucket of Axolotl 美西螈桶 Bundle 收纳袋 Calcite 方解石 Candle 蜡烛 Candle Cake 插上蜡烛的蛋糕 Cav...
1.1620w09a Stained glass pane recipes now only unlock when the player has the same color of stained glass in their inventory. Pre-release 1 Smithing Tables now have a recipe book with currently no function. 1.1720w45a Simple firework rockets with one gunpowder can now be crafted using the re...
Unlike other translucent blocks such as ice, stained glass and tinted glass, water shows the opposite sides of its external planes when viewed from within and from outside.[4] However, it applies only to the top plane and four side planes; the bottom face is always unseen from above.[5]...
- tinted_glass - spyglass 9. Changed Enderite Pickaxe multiplier to a Forge Tag - All blocks in "data/forge/tags/blocks/end_stones.json" are faster to destroy with the Pickaxe - You can configure it 10. Reduced the chance of Endercrystal Shards in End City Treasures 11. Updated Forge ...
Tinted Glass - Buy 4 for 8 Emeralds Glow Ink Sac - Sell 1 for 1 Emerald Amethyst Shard - Sell 1 for 1 Emerald Occultist - Level 2: Soul Lantern - Buy 1 for 4 Emeralds Soul Torch - Buy 1 for 2 Emeralds Glowstone Dust - Buy 2 for 4 Emeralds ...
Thus, Minecraft players see a red tinted sky at sunrise, just as they would in the natural world. Many direct links between Minecraft and engineering are also present. When playing Minecraft in survival mode, one of the earliest tasks is to construct a building for protection. As the game ...
Surrounding glass with four Feldspar items produces Tinged Glass. Working similarly to Tinted Glass, Tinged Glass lowers the light level which passes through by around half. Combining eight Clay Balls and Feldspar produces Ceramic Clay, which can be made into blocks. Ceramic Clay can be smelted...