Tinted Glass is a type of glass that does not allow light to pass through 遮光玻璃是一种光线无法穿过的玻璃。 Tinted Glass is crafted by putting a Glass block in the middle of four Amethyst Shards 遮光玻璃可以通过将玻璃摆在 4 个紫水晶碎片中间合成。 Tinted Glass can be obtained without Silk...
Can be crafted by putting a Glass Block in the middle of four Amethyst Shards on a Crafting Table 可以在工作台中心放玻璃方块,四周用紫水晶碎片包围来合成遮光玻璃 Tinted Glass can be obtained without the Silk Touch enchantment and does not shatter when broken, like normal Glass 遮光玻璃可以用精准...
Added Tinted Glass 添加了遮光玻璃 A Shulker hitting a Shulker with a Shulker Bullet can make a ...
Crafted with sticks and a tinted glass. Also has normal and hardened glass types. Custom Bookshelves These bookshelves can only be crafted with an empty bookshelf and 3 books. Vanilla recipe with other wood types will only result to an oak bookshelf because the recipe is hardcoded. Book piles...
- tinted_glass - spyglass 9. Changed Enderite Pickaxe multiplier to a Forge Tag - All blocks in "data/forge/tags/blocks/end_stones.json" are faster to destroy with the Pickaxe - You can configure it 10. Reduced the chance of Endercrystal Shards in End City Treasures 11. Updated Forge ...
1.1620w09a Stained glass pane recipes now only unlock when the player has the same color of stained glass in their inventory. Pre-release 1 Smithing Tables now have a recipe book with currently no function. 1.1720w45a Simple firework rockets with one gunpowder can now be crafted using the re...
本文章介绍的是不透光的玻璃。关于可染色的玻璃,请见“染色玻璃”。 遮光玻璃(Tinted Glass)是一种视觉上透明,但不透光的方块。 一种透明却能够阻止光线透过的变种玻璃。 可由4份紫水晶碎片和1块玻璃合成而来。 染色玻璃无法用于进行该项合成。 与玻璃不同的是,遮光玻
Thus, Minecraft players see a red tinted sky at sunrise, just as they would in the natural world. Many direct links between Minecraft and engineering are also present. When playing Minecraft in survival mode, one of the earliest tasks is to construct a building for protection. As the game ...
The Wild Update makes it possible for you to craft a boat with a chest on it, which is ...
Echo Glass Can be crafted with one Echo Shard and two Tinted Glass. Occludes vibrations. Is capable of blocking the Warden's Sonic Boom, at the expense of cracking. Echo Glass is very resistant to damage, being able to crack three times before finally being broken. ...