灵魂沙(Soul Sand)是自然生成在下界、能够减慢实体移动速度的方块。 灵魂沙在灵魂沙峡谷中作为地表层与灵魂土大量混合生成;在灵魂沙峡谷以外的下界生物群系,灵魂沙则以1-12个方块大小的团簇生成于Y=31高度以下,每区块尝试生成12次团簇。 灵魂沙也会在下界要塞的下界疣
灵魂沙峡谷(Soul Sand Valley)是一种生成于下界的大型洞穴状生物群系。 目录 描述 灵魂沙峡谷主要由灵魂沙和灵魂土构成,临近熔岩海处还会出现沙砾。整个生物群系中,灵魂火零星地燃于地表,高大的玄武岩柱贯通上下,下界化石散布于谷地之间,荧石堆罕见地生成在生物群系顶部偶然裸露的下界岩的下方。这里植被稀疏,只有少...
Snow Block 雪块 Soul Campfire 灵魂营火 Soul Fire 灵魂火 Soul Lantern 灵魂灯笼 Soul Sand 灵魂沙 Soul Soil 灵魂土 Soul Torch 灵魂火把 Soul Wall Torch 墙上的灵魂火把 Sponge 海绵 Spore Blossom 孢子花 Spruce Button 云杉木按钮 Spruce Door 云杉木门 Spruce Fence 云杉木栅栏 Spruce Fence Gate 云杉木栅...
Planks are common blocks used as building blocks and in crafting recipes. They are one of the first things that a player can craft in Survival and Adventure modes. There are eleven variants of planks, which can be differentiated into three categories: Ov
No soul sand (and kelp) required! While swimming upward, you can just move sideways when you run out of air.DisadvantagesRequires a bucket (3 iron ingots), which you have to get by exploring some surface caves. If you really can't find iron, you can alternatively utilize a natural wat...
minecraft:soul_fire minecraft:soul_lantern minecraft:soul_sand minecraft:soul_soil minecraft:soul_torch minecraft:sponge minecraft:spore_blossom minecraft:spruce_button minecraft:spruce_door minecraft:spruce_double_slab minecraft:spruce_fence minecraft:spruce_fence_gate minecraft:spruce_hanging_sign minecraft:...
minecraft:soul_fire minecraft:soul_lantern minecraft:soul_sand minecraft:soul_soil minecraft:soul_torch minecraft:sponge minecraft:spore_blossom minecraft:spruce_button minecraft:spruce_door minecraft:spruce_double_slab minecraft:spruce_fence minecraft:spruce_fence_gate minecraft:spruce_hanging_sign minecraft:...
soul sand-有著类似creeper脸的灰色方块。会减缓在其上行走的玩家或怪物速度,并使其稍微下沉。有三种方块能同时在两个世界找到:岩浆、沙砾、岩床。红色与棕色磨菇也同样都会出现。水水正常不可能用水桶放置在异世界,而只会化为蒸汽。如果是用物品修改器改出的水方块则能放置。放置的水方块能流动,也能与岩浆反应...
Measuring eyes on Soul Sand or Soul Soil with Soul Speed while FOV effects are reduced (i.e. when the FOV Effects slider is less than 100%) Measuring eyes underwater while submerged FOV effects are reduced (i.e. when Control Submerged FOV is enabled and the FOV Effects slider is less ...
Soul Fire 灵魂火 Soul Lantern 灵魂灯笼 Soul Sand 灵魂沙 Soul Soil 灵魂土 Soul Torch 灵魂火把 Soul Wall Torch 墙上的灵魂火把 Sponge 海绵 Spore Blossom 孢子花 Spruce Button 云杉木按钮 Spruce Door 云杉木门 Spruce Fence 云杉木栅栏 Spruce Fence Gate 云杉木栅栏门 ...