331 Take the elevator to the mezzanine!坐电梯去夹层! 出自美国摇滚乐队Soul Coughing的歌曲Super Bon Bon。 1.8(14w25a) 1.9.0( 332 Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!别那么理智,这是互联网! Searge将这条语录发到了推特上。[19] 1.8(14w26a) ...
Snow Block 雪块 Soul Campfire 灵魂营火 Soul Fire 灵魂火 Soul Lantern 灵魂灯笼 Soul Sand 灵魂沙 Soul Soil 灵魂土 Soul Torch 灵魂火把 Soul Wall Torch 墙上的灵魂火把 Sponge 海绵 Spore Blossom 孢子花 Spruce Button 云杉木按钮 Spruce Door 云杉木门 Spruce Fence 云杉木栅栏 Spruce Fence Gate 云杉木栅...
Fixed fall damage accumulating when the player jumped on a roofed Soul Sand Bubble Column 修复了玩家在灵魂沙产生的上涌气泡柱上跳跃时会累积摔落伤害的问题 Players no longer take fall damage when falling through water at high speeds (MCPE-152485) 玩家以高速坠入水中时不会再受到摔落伤害(MCPE-152485...
Possibly the most difficult part of making this amazing farm is finding a perfect location. It is crucial for you tolocate aNether Fortressinside a soul sand valley or a warped forestMinecraft biome. No other Nether biome will give you good results, because of the many hostile mobs that can...
How to make a Soul Torch in Minecraft To make a Soul Torch in Minecraft, you will need one Stick, one Coal or Charcoal, and One Soul Sand or Soul Soil. The first two sources are everywhere and can be acquired easily. To get Soul Sand or Soul Soil, you need to find it in The Ne...
of parity fixes and an endless jar of chili mayo. OK, maybe the last one just applies to ...
Soul Speed:Soul Speed is a boots enchantment that increases the speed at which you walk on Soul Sand and Soul Soil. However, running on Soul Sand with the Soul Speed enchantment causes the durability of your boots to decrease faster. Because of this, we strongly recommend also having theMend...
Added soul soil. Whenever fire burns on soul soil, it burns with a blue flame Soul soil and soul sand can be used to craft soul torches, which in turn can be crafted into soul lanterns The Wither can now be summoned using soul soil as base ...
1. First, find an open space to conveniently fight the Wither. It’s best to do so away from yourMinecraft houseas Wither can easily break blocks. 2. Then, place a block of soul sand or soul soil on the ground. Next, place another block on top of the first block,creating a tower...
首先得要开一个超平坦的世界,不过要进行一点小小的修改,才能体会到真正的快乐 7楼2020-08-13 08:17 回复 HIM大蛇 地狱哀歌 11 操作如下,把预设框里的给改成——minecraft:bedrock,2*minecraft:dirt,minecraft:soul_sand;minecraft:plains即可 8楼2020-08-13 08:21 回复 HIM大蛇 地狱哀歌 11 是不是有...