For armor trims, see Smithing Template."Chainmail" redirects here. For the armor material, see Armor materials.Armor Rarity Common Renewable Netherite: No All others: Yes Stackable No Armor tiers. From left (weakest) to right (strongest): no armor, leather, golden, chainmail, iron, diamond...
For armor trims, see Smithing Template."Chainmail" redirects here. For the armor material, see Armor materials.Armor Rarity Common Renewable Netherite: No All others: Yes Stackable No Armor tiers. From left (weakest) to right (strongest): no armor, leather, golden, chainmail, iron, diamond...
我的世界1.20.1堆叠护甲装饰 Stacked Armor Trims Mod下载 2023年8月18日MOD大全0 堆叠护甲装饰 Stacked Armor Trims Mod由作者“”所制作。 Stacked Armor Trims允许你在同一件盔甲上不限数量地应用多个锻造模板提供的饰纹,而不是只能应用一种饰纹; 所有盔甲饰纹对应的名称均可在悬浮文本中 … ...
Elytra Trims[CurseForge| Modrinth] FAQ: Forge or Fabric?This mod is for fabric. Forge Version?Maybe Coming Soon Client or Server?It is possible for Vanilla clients to join a server with this mod, no armor trims will render though. -> Needs to be on both for it to work. ...
- Fixed Elytra is rendered twice, if you have a cape ENDERITE CJ EDITION 2.0.3- Fixed Client setup does not load- Added Configs for - Armor Stats - Tool Stats ENDERITE CJ EDITION 2.0.2- Updated Config API to version 1.1.1- Fixed server compatibility ENDERITE CJ EDITION 2.0.1 - Updated...
Jungle Temple: Wild Armor Trim 丛林神庙:荒野盔甲纹饰 Ocean Monument: Tide Armor Trim 海底神殿:潮汐盔甲纹饰 Ancient City: Ward and Silence Armor Trims 远古城市:监守盔甲纹饰、幽静盔甲纹饰 Woodland Mansion: Vex Armor Trim 林地府邸:恼鬼盔甲纹饰 Nether Fortress: Rib Armor Trim 下界要塞:肋骨盔甲纹饰 ...
【模组信息】 Better Trims(更好的纹饰) Fabric 1.20/1.20.1 作者:bawnorton Stacked Armor Trims(可叠加装饰) Fabric 1.20/1.20.1 作者:ApfelRauber / bawnorton Elytra Trims(...
{ 'Creeper Head', 'Damaged Elytra', 'Dragon Head', 'Dragon\'s Breath', 'Elytra', 'Head', 'Heart of the Sea', 'Piglin Head', 'Player Head', 'Skeleton Skull', 'Totem of Undying', 'Wither Skeleton Skull', 'Zombie Head', } for _, name in ipairs( yellowToo...