You cantechnicallyobtain a trimmed/dyed elytra on a server without the mod. To do it create an elytra you want in creative singleplayer, save it in a hotbar and load on the server. Trims Put any trim on your elytra just like any other armor. Mod provides a default resourcepack with a...
This mod is compatible with: Better Trim Tooltips[CurseForge|Modrinth] All The Trims[CurseForge|Modrinth] Better Trims[CurseForge|Modrinth] Dye All the Things[CurseForge|Modrinth] Elytra Trims[CurseForge| Modrinth] FAQ: Forge or Fabric?This mod is for fabric. ...
1.20更新,全文摘自百科 方块 Acacia Button 金合欢木按钮 Acacia Door 金合欢木门 Acacia Fence 金合欢木栅栏 Acacia Fence Gate 金合欢木栅栏门 Acacia Hanging Sign 悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Leaves 金合...
1.20更新,全文摘自百科 方块 Acacia Button 金合欢木按钮 Acacia Door 金合欢木门 Acacia Fence 金合欢木栅栏 Acacia Fence Gate 金合欢木栅栏门 Acacia Hanging Sign 悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Leaves 金合...
旧貌锻新颜Crafting a New Look 在锻造台中合成带有纹饰的盔甲 冒险 – adventure/trim_with_any_armor_pattern – 胶着状态Sticky Situation 跳入蜂蜜块以缓冲摔落 冒险 在空气中从蜂蜜块的一侧滑落。 adventure/honey_block_slide – 扣下悬刀Ol' Betsy 用弩进行一次射击 冒险 – adventure/ol_betsy – ...
Gliding with an Elytra or unique mob actions (Ravager roaring, Wolf shaking, etc.) 用鞘翅滑翔或特殊的生物动作(劫掠兽吼叫、狼甩水等) Equipping gear 装备盔甲 Interacting with a mob 与生物互动 Mobs and players getting damaged 生物或玩家受到伤害 Consuming items (drinking and eating) 消耗物品(吃或...
搞出新花臣Crafting a New Look 使用鍛造台合成一件帶有紋飾嘅盔甲 冒險 – adventure/trim_with_any_armor_pattern – 黐𥹉𥹉狀態Sticky Situation 跳入蜜糖塊安全滑落地面 冒險 在空氣中從蜜糖塊的一側滑落。 adventure/honey_block_slide – 扣下扳機Ol' Betsy 用弩射箭 冒險 – adventure/ol_betsy – ...
Minecraft 1.20. Moreover, it creates a rather unique and highly detailed pattern on all your armor pieces. Numerous shades from all the dyes and the organic direction of the lines surely make armor pieces with the silence armor trim stand out. It’s undoubtedly one of the most desired armor...
Describe the problem I've been doing several tests for two days, from what I've seen in the documentation, the recommended thing is to use "AUTO_CURSEFORGE" but it doesn't even load the map. Right now I'm just referencing the files local...
此Mod 兼容Better Trim Tooltips、All The Trims、Better Trims、Dye All the Things、ElytraTrims; 不兼容ImmediatelyFast:悬浮文本内将只能显示其中一个盔甲饰纹的名称; 客户端 &服务端需同时安装此 Mod 才能让正确渲染玩家盔甲上已有的盔甲饰纹。 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。