新的方块有和原版一样的特性,如减速等因此包括凋落物和怪物等实体会收到他们影响 特性 灵魂沙气泡柱:SoulSand bubble column elevator; 岩浆块气泡柱:Magma Block bubble column; 漂浮的物品SOON: Floating items in water 含水方块SOON: I will try to add waterlogging; 演示 下载地址 点此下载...
Cheaper recipes for RFTools Elevator and Screen Controller Removed oreDict from Adv Rocketry Iron and Steel rods Add Industrial Foregoing Biofuel as Compression Dynamo fuel Add Pig Iron to Advanced Metallurgic Fabricator Add Knightslime to Advanced Metallurgic Fabricator Streamline Spice of Life: Carrot...
natural-spawner-types-per-world: world: - SKELETON - ZOMBIE - SILVERFISH - SPIDER - CAVE_SPIDER world_the_end: - SKELETON - SPIDER world_nether: - BLAZE - MAGMA_CUBE enchantments: higher-enchants: # Bypass permission: aef.bypass.illegal.enchants.higher # Reverts or prevents usage of ItemSt...
Well to tell the truth all that happened hundredsand hundreds of years ago and among the few surviving humans no one knows how the World turned into what it is now. Only a few buildings of the onceadvanced civilization are left and poke out of the ground here and there but new cults an...
331 Take the elevator to the mezzanine! Line from the song "Super Bon Bon" by Soul Coughing. 1.8(14w25a) 1.9.0(beta 332 Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet! Searge posted this quote on Twitter.[27] 1.8(14w26a) ...
When nothing happens, he grows curious and puts a brewing stand, then puts another water bottle. He places blaze powder into the brewing stand, making it a fuel source. He then puts in various items to try to make a potion, all of which get ejected, until he finally puts in magma ...
Map Info This is an adventure mode map that follows a linear path, similar to the Half-Life series. My goal was to make an interesting ...
Map Info:Escape the mad scientist is a medium challenging puzzle map that will test your intellect, problem-solving skills, and Minecraft know-how! The ...
OpenBlocks Elevator (by Vsngarcia) Open Glider (by gr8pefish) OpenModularTurrets (by Poenjabiesous) Pam´s HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil) Phosphor (by jellysquid_) Player Skin Mob (by GenDeathrow) Potion Core (by Tmtravlr) Primitive Mobs (by Daveyx0) ...