Frost Walker:Frost Walker turns water blocks beneath your feet into ice, allowing you to walk over them easily. It also prevents you from taking damage when walking over magma blocks. Best Minecraft Shield Enchantments Unlike the other tools and weapons on this list, there are no enchantments m...
They stop at the bubble elevator and ride it upwards back to their classroom. As the others dry out their waterlogged books, Yellow then gives everybody redstone components. While they are initially confused, Yellow pulls out a trophy and tasks them with creating a redstone contraption, the ...
natural-spawner-types-per-world: world: - SKELETON - ZOMBIE - SILVERFISH - SPIDER - CAVE_SPIDER world_the_end: - SKELETON - SPIDER world_nether: - BLAZE - MAGMA_CUBE enchantments: higher-enchants: # Bypass permission: aef.bypass.illegal.enchants.higher # Reverts or prevents usage of ItemSt...
Prevents you from taking damage when walking over magma blocks. Frost Walker cannot be combined with Depth Strider, so use it on a pair of boots meant for the Nether or if you want to walk across an ocean. Best Weapon Enchantments in Minecraft ...
NoNausea (by lumien231) NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz) OMLib (Keridos) OpenBlocks Elevator (by Vsngarcia) Open Glider (by gr8pefish) OpenModularTurrets (by Poenjabiesous) Pam´s HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil) Phosphor (by jellysquid_)
Why does my Mattock only squeak and do no damage? I need a weapon? Well this Mattock is a mystery even to your companion. It is made from sponge and has silk touch and that’s why it doesn’t do dmg. It serves as an early game axe and shovel as well as a farming hoe. But if...