Options Download Add to favorites Report Dimensions Height 66 Description Minecraft Titan Nether Portal V03 Statue Download for Members here: https://www.patreon.com/MazaViliOther Creations From MazaViliAdd a commentYou need to be logged to post a comment !
下界传送修复NetherPortalFix 链接:官网 曾经在一个多人服务器上游玩,在其他玩家附近建造,当从下界返回时,惊奇地发现自己在另一个玩家的基地?这是因为下界与主世界之间的8比1的比例。真的很奇怪,你进入一个主世界的传送门,然后当你回到你来的地方,会从世界各地的不同传送门出来。这个mod修复了这个问题。 它记录...
The easiest and best looking nether portal calculator to get the coordinates for your netherportals so you can build a nether highway in Minecraft.
You can also build the End Portal like Nether Portal different sizes. Hope you can enjoy this mod and if you want to use it in your modpack, go ahead!! :D
Nether Portal in Minecraft: Get all the details on how to make a nether portal, the materials required, how do they work, their behavior and more in this step-by-step guide with pictures.
netherportalspread-1.18.2-7.5.jar Supported Versions 1.18.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:nether-portal-spread-342097:4430779") Copy to clipboard Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:nether-porta...
Tp:# 以秒为单位,用于传送功能# 设置为0禁用TeleportDelay: 3# 当玩家传送到领地内时,会显示一个固定的信息TeleportTitleMessage:trueRandomTeleportation: Worlds: world_nether: Enabled:trueMaxCoord: 1000 MinCord: 500 CenterX: 0 CenterZ: 0 world: ...
Minecraft® Ambuscadă în portalul Nether 1/11 Vezi tot Grupe de vârstă: 8+ 8+ Grupe de vârstă Piese: 352 352 Piese Puncte LEGO® Insiders: 130 130 Puncte LEGO® Insiders Articol: 21255 21255 Articol 199,99 lei