It's really weird though that you enter a portal in the overworld, and then when going back through where you came, come out of a different portal in the overworld. This mod fixes that issue. It keeps track of what portals a player went through in order to ensure correct destinations ...
The 1×2 portal is simply 2 blocks high and 1 block wide. It’s the smallest footprint capable for this mod and makes it look really compact for all that it contains. The 1×3 is simply 1 block taller than the 1×2 and still provides that compact look but gives a bit more headroo...
海希杰创建的收藏夹圣剑内容:【Minecraft】远古魔剑#2-Nether Sword Portal,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
1.19.4 1.19.2 Mod LoadersView all Forge Report To be able to create an End Portal you still have to enter the End and kill the Ender Dragon in the normal way, once you reach an End City you can find the Purpur Eye as a chest loot with a rare weight. This will be the igniter ...
下界传送门修正 NetherPortalFix Mod由作者“BlayTheNinth”所制作。 在服务器进行多人游戏时,你是否遇到过在其他玩家基地附近搭建传送门进入下界,回主世界时却惊奇地发现自己在其他玩家的领地这样的状况? 从游戏机制上讲,这是主世界与下界8:1的距离比例造成的,但从自己的传送门进去,却从别人的基地里出来的体验实在...
Type:Bug Resolution:Duplicate Fix Version/s:None Affects Version/s:1.14.30 Hotfix Labels: None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Platform: Android We can teleport through the Nether portal.But it remains on the loading screen when teleporting from the nether to the world It makes the transition to...
下界传送修复NetherPortalFix 链接:官网 曾经在一个多人服务器上游玩,在其他玩家附近建造,当从下界返回时,惊奇地发现自己在另一个玩家的基地?这是因为下界与主世界之间的8比1的比例。真的很奇怪,你进入一个主世界的传送门,然后当你回到你来的地方,会从世界各地的不同传送门出来。这个mod修复了这个问题。
LEGO® Minecraft® Hinterhalt am Netherportal Beliebte Minecraft® Charaktere Mit einem Orc-Krieger mit maßgeschneidertem Skin. Mit einem stoßenden Hoglin Der Hoglin muss für einen Kopfstoß nur angetippt werden. Ein Scheiben werfender Ghast ...
Nether Portal Spread Nether Portal Spread is a neat aesthetic mod that makes Nether Portals a bit more ominous. It allows Nether blocks to start replacing blocks within a certain radius and gives the feeling that they are unstable anomalies in your world....
hinterhalt am netherportal 1 / 11 alle anzeigen lego® 21255 hinterhalt am netherportal minecraft® €37,99 jetzt verfügbar decrease quantity increase ...