MC-128441- /tp uses context dimension rather than destination entity's dimension /tp使用了指令执行的维度而不是目的地实体的维度 MC-128565- Function tag ordering is inconsistent across reloads and does not respect datapack ordering 函数标签的顺序在(重新)加载的时候不稳,也不一定是数据包的顺序 MC-1...
/tp <destination: x y z> [true|false] /tp <destination: x y z> [yRot: value] [xRot: value] [true|false] /tp <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z> [true|false] /tp <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtEntity: target> [true|false] /tp <victim: target> <...
so appropriate permission is necessary. The vanilla/tpcommand requires OP status (cheats enabled) but it's possible to have separate permissions for commands on a non-vanilla server with certain plugins installed. The used command can be changed in the world map settings with...
/tp @a <x y z coordinates here> If this is being used to teleport the player to an area that may not have loaded yet, increase the middle number (the "holdSeconds") to give the player's device enough time to load the surrounding area. Transitioning to and from a flyover camera When...
// net.minecraft.util.Scheduler#SchedulerpublicabstractclassScheduler<K,TextendsITaskType<K,T>,R>{publicScheduler(Stringname,intconcurrency,Tp_i48724_3_,Supplier<Map<T,CompletableFuture<R>>>p_i48724_4_,Supplier<Map<T,CompletableFuture<Void>>>p_i48724_5_){this.targetTaskType=p_i48724_3_;th...
Example:/gamemode survival Olliechanges the Minecraft game mode of the player named Ollie to Survival. /tp The "tp" command teleports the specified entity or entities to the specified destination. It's shorthand for the identical "teleport" command, and very useful for getting back to yourcastl...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /tp command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can teleport to a set of coordinates or teleport to another player using the /tp command in Minecraft (see also /teleport command).
Now, you can either save and exit in single player, or tp to another dimension, and watch the console for the dimension in question to unload, and then teleport back. Basically for the settings to come into effect, the world/dimension you are changing the settings for needs to unload and...
mob_removal_skips_named_mobs: 'true' # 删除城镇内的怪物的速度 # 数值越低检测的频率越高,会占用更多的服务器资源 # 永远不要设置低于 1 的数值! mob_removal_speed: 5s # 允许的实体 ...