16w32b /title命令加入了显示文本至快捷栏上方的功能。 16w38a 加入了游戏规则doWeatherCycle和maxEntityCramming。 移除了隐含目标选择器(如@e[167,28,454])。 无效的目标选择器(如@e[Type=creeper]、@e[asdf=nonexistent]和@e[malformed])现在会产生错误,而不再被静默忽略。 16w39a 加入了/locate命令。
{Name:lightning_line,Lore:[发射一根普通箭矢就好]}}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:/replaceitem entity @a[r=5] slot.hotbar.1 minecraft:arrow 64 0 {ench:[],display:{Name:an_arrow,Lore:[用lightning_line射出去就好]}}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:lava ...
用法: /< command > < 监狱名称 >别名: edeljail,remjail,eremjail,rmjail,ermjail delwarp 介绍: 删除一个地标。用法: /< command > < 地标名称 >别名: edelwarp,remwarp,eremwarp,rmwarp,ermwarp enchant 介绍: 附魔手中物品。用法: /< command > < 附魔名称 > [附魔等级]别名: eenchant,enchantmen...
因此,命令方块的全名应该是"minecraft:command_block"。 那么,结合我们耳熟能详的命令:/give,我想给自己一个命令方块,就可以输入"/give @s minecraft:command_block",但是通常情况下,玩命令的场合都是在原版,所以也可以把前缀略去(但是按下tab还是会自动补充),因此我输入"/give @s command_block"也是可以的。 ...
Commands will still work with "carpet", but only new carpet name will be suggested in the command prompt 使用carpet 的命令仍有效,但预览中仅会显示建议的名称 "coral" was split into unique instances, namely "tube_coral", "brain_coral", "bubble_coral", "fire_coral", "horn_coral", "dead_...
/entitydata @e[type=Cow,r=10] {CustomName:Duke} Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press theEnterkey to run the command. Once the cheat has been entered, the names of all cows withi...
Current location of the entity. Type: Vector3 Notes: This property can throw errors when used. nameTag nameTag: string; Given name of the entity. Type: string Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. scoreboardIdentity read-only scoreboardIdentity?: ScoreboardIdentity; Returns...
[INFO] Player connected: MoonstoneTalaxy, xuid: 25354361236725 [INFO] Player disconnected: MoonstoneTalaxy, xuid: 25354361236725 gamerule commandblockoutput = true, dodaylightcycle = true, doentitydrops = true, dofiretick = true, domobloot = true, domobspawning = true, dotiledrops = true, do...
bring[ENTITY]-Bringsthespecifiedentitytoyou. cannon[STRENGTH]-ShootsaprimedTNTinthedirectionyouarepointing. calc-Calculatorcommand chest<drop|get|fill|swap|clear>-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY...
getEntity(id: string): Entity | undefined Returns an entity based on the provided id. Parameters id:string The id of the entity. ReturnsEntity|undefined- The requested entity object. Notes: This function can throw errors. Throws if the given entity id is invalid. ...