大家好,我是The Aether II 天境二(旧译以太二)的汉化工。首先介绍一下The Aether II 天境二:《天境二 》是老牌冒险模组The Aether的崭新重制,为MineCraft创造了一个拥有翔实背景和故事的架空奇幻世界:天境Aether。天境是世界之上的澄澈长空,其间散布着厚重神秘的斑斓云层,以及座座富饶雄伟、风景秀丽的浮空岛屿。撑起...
The Aether II for Minecraft 1.12.2 is not considered stable yet, but is playable. We recommend staying away from adding the Aether to modpacks or making showcase videos quite yet, as you may run into serious bugs or progression issues...
You’ll end up in an Aether outpost, greeted by a man named Edison next to a fire pit. You can chat with him and he’ll explain the Aether to you. These outposts are on each island and are the only way back home. Just click the fire pit if you need to leave. You can even t...
The Aether II is the sequel to the highly popular dimension mod "The Aether", set in a hostile paradise miles up in the clouds, the Aether is an entirely different world from what regular players are used to, filled with fantastic creatures and mysterious structures, the Aether is a world...
Meadow (Aether 3) 游戏 网络游戏 我的世界 模块生存舞秋风台 发消息 骷髅版本的传奇,高攻速,高爆率,爽就完了!接下来播放 自动连播 女武神圣地!! 我的世界【天堂THE AETHER】模块生存 EP2 舞秋风台 7597 65 我的世界向前冲!闯关赢取电冰箱?冲冲冲不要停下来!我的世界Minecraft 椒盐蛋 1347.8万 3252 我...
The Aether - 1.20.4-1.4.1-neoforge NeoForge 1.20.4 Release The Aether - 1.20.2-1.4.2-neoforge NeoForge 1.20.2 Release The Aether - 1.20.1-1.4.2-neoforge Forge, NeoForge 1.20.1 Release The Aether - 1.19.4-1.4.2-forge Forge 1.19.4 Release The Aether - 1.19.2-1.4.2-forge Forge...
“The Aether”是一个位于天空中的神秘维度 。如果你从那里掉下来,你将死于着陆到主世界 。此外,你还可以发现拥有全新村庄和村民的村庄,甚至可以通过Tektopia mod创造自己的村庄 。值得一提的是,该整合包并未预装Optifine 。 主要功能 1. 魔法和工艺元素的丰富集合 。 2. 新增村庄、宠物和生物群系 。 3. ...
That’s why today in TechinDroid we’ll show you the top 10 best Minecraft mods. Contents [hide] Top ten Minecraft mods 2024 1. Optifine 2. Thaumcraft 3. Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2 4. Minecraft Comes Alive 5. Galacticraft (fun minecraft mod) 6. Aether II: Genesis of the Void 7....
Learn the 40 best Minecraft mods: 1. OptiFine; 2. JourneyMap; 3. Just Enough Items (JEI); 4. Biomes O' Plenty; 5. Tinkers' Construct + more.