大家好,我是The Aether II 天境二(旧译以太二)的汉化工。首先介绍一下The Aether II 天境二:《天境二 》是老牌冒险模组The Aether的崭新重制,为MineCraft创造了一个拥有翔实背景和故事的架空奇幻世界:天境Aether。天境是世界之上的澄澈长空,其间散布着厚重神秘的斑斓云层,以及座座富饶雄伟、风景秀丽的浮空岛屿。撑起...
The Aether II is a massive otherworld dimension made up of gigantic sky islands of varying biomes. But in order to get there you’ll need to make a portal ... Millenaire Minecraft 1.12.2Kinnikenmore info Millenaire is a very complete mod that adds randomly generated NPC villages to Minecraft...
The Aether II is a massive otherworld dimension made up of gigantic sky islands of varying biomes. But in order to get there you’ll need to make a portal of quartz blocks. Then activate it with a bucket of water. You’ll end up in an Aether outpost, greeted by a man named Edison ...
2. Thaumcraft 3. Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2 4. Minecraft Comes Alive 5. Galacticraft (fun minecraft mod) 6. Aether II: Genesis of the Void 7. Portal Gun 8. Pixelmon 9. Buildcraft 10. TerraFirmaCraft How to Install Minecraft mods and patches ...
Looking to contribute to the Aether mod? The Aether is open source, meaning anyone who is interested is able to contribute code to help out the project! More info about this can be found on ourGitHub Repository. We also accept translations for the project throughCrowdin, allowing the Aether...
原文地址:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1842350-162-alpha-aether-ii-genesis-of-the-void-v1622-new-launcher-better-performance/ 汉化介绍:http://tab.mcmod.cn/class.php?c=94 什么是以太2 以太是最大的minecraft模组之一。 以太也是最受欢迎的新世界模组之一。
3. MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod: Refurbished 4. Macaw’s Bridges 5. Chisel & Bits Adventure and exploration mods 1. The Aether 2. Epic Dungeons: A Roguelike Journey 3. Pixelmon Reforged 4. The Twilight Forest 5. The Lost Cities Technology and automation mods ...
我的世界1.12.2-1.7.10以太2/天堂 The Aether II Mod下载 2019年9月23日 MOD大全 0 我的世界1.12.2-1.7.10以太2/天堂 The Aether II Mod由作者“GildedGames”所制作,又名我的世界天堂mod。 什么是以太2 以太是最大的minecraft模组之一,也是最受欢迎的新世界模组之一,:目前方 … 阅读更多 » ...
我的世界1.13-1.7.10末地指南针 Ender Compass Mod由作者“MrIbby”所制作。 该MOD可以让玩家跟着指南针去找你的末地要塞。 注意:Minecraft 1.13的Ender Compass需要Rift Mod加 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.12.2-1.7.10以太2/天堂 The Aether II Mod下载 ...
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