You can set a home location by typing /spawn! and then type /spawn. to teleport to your home from wherever you are. And you can even set specific locations by using the command /spawn+ [name] to set whatever name you want for that particular location. If you’d like to see your lo...
help [COMMAND] - Gives general help when COMMAND isn't specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. home ?Teleport to spawn point i <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Same as /item instantmine - Turns instant mining on/off item <ITEMCODE|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] ?Gives player it...
Creating a Minecraft server gives youfull control of both the in-game worlditself and the back end - you can useadmin commandsto teleport, spawn items, change the time of day, and so much more. If you want to go a step further, there’s even a whole world ofplayer-made modificationst...
alias<NAME><COMMAND>{ARGS}-Allowsyoutoassignanaliastooneormorewords ascend-Movesyoutothenextplatformaboveyourposition biome-Tellsyouwhatbiomeyouarecurrentlyin bind<KEYCODE><COMMAND>{COMMANDPARAMS}-Bindsacommandtoakeyboardbutton. bindid<ID><COMMAND>{ARGS}-Bindsacommandtoakeyboardkeyusingthekeyid binditem<...
用法: /< command > [玩家] 别名: eafk,away,eaway 介绍: 回到你上次传送(tp/spawn/warp)的地方。 用法: /< command > 别名: eback,return,ereturn 介绍: 查看玩家拥有的现金,不输入默认为自己。 用法: /< command > [玩家] 别名: bal,ebal,ebalance,money,emoney 介绍: 查看服务器财富榜。 用法:...
help <command name> - Gives more information on the specified command. home - Teleport to the spawn point. infiniteitems - Toggles infinite items on/off. instantkill - Instantly kills the animal or monster you hit. instantmine - Toggles "instant mine" on/off. instantplant - Instantly grows...
teleport:玩家是否能传送。 permissionsLevel:世界主人的权限等级。 playerPermissionsLevel:其他玩家的权限等级。 flySpeed:玩家的飞行速度。 walkSpeed:玩家的移动速度。 abilities:玩家权限或能力。 lastOpenedWithVersion:最后一次打开的游戏版本。格式为x.x.x.x.x,x为下列整数的值,例如基岩版1.18.2为1.。
用法: /< command > [玩家] 别名: eafk,away,eaway back 介绍: 回到你上次传送(tp/spawn/warp)的地方。 用法: /< command > 别名: eback,return,ereturn balance 介绍: 查看玩家拥有的现金,不输入默认为自己。 用法: /< command > [玩家]
Changed some structures names in the /locate command to have underscores, like in Java Edition (e...
teleport.ts TypeScript 复制 import { system, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from "@minecraft/vanilla-data"; function teleport(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { const cow = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Cow, targetLocation);...