alphabet-speedrun-forge-3.2.0.jar Supported Versions 1.19.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:alphabet-speedrun-855890:4511699") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have ...
R 1.19.4 Fabric + 1 Apr 29, 2023 Members teddyxlandleeOwner
For a more stable mod, without input recording and playback, checkLoTAS TASmod A Tool-Assisted Speedrun-Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2. Is able to capture inputs and play them back, by pretending to be a keyboard. To reduce complexity, all aspects of RNG-Manipulation have been externalized to ...
“对呀,四分钟屠龙真的是基操” 拥有单身十余年的手速,而且大部分都不仅仅于满足四分钟内屠龙这种基操,延生出了一大堆新型speedrun玩法:例如以最快的时间收集所有颜色的羊毛、找到全部的矿物、获得所有种类的木头等等。 特点:sdl tql wsl 7.娱乐向UP主/主播(Youtuber for fun) “Hey guys, today let's play ...
分享1511 minecraft吧 QYClay 求助这句话是什么意思在speedrun官网看某跑酷地图规则的时候有这样一句话 :“Using pauses to gain extra height on slime glitches is not allowed”机翻的意思大概是“不允许使用暂停来增加粘液(块)故障(跳)的额外高度”这句话没看懂 有人能解释下嘛 分享2赞 minecraft吧 卖胖次的...
Not only is the path to the most valuable mites long, but with each new type bred, it becomes more difficult to get the next type. Even if players speedrun a diamond mite, obtaining a second one, while easier, will still take some time. ...
From speedruns to adventuring with friends, crafting is an important part of any Minecraft playthrough. But did you know there are ways to take crafting one step further? Today we explore the 5 Essential Crafting Shortcuts for Minecraft that will leave anyone crafting like a pro. Mouse Shortcu...
“It’s the opposite of a speedrun. Slow down. Life is long, you can take it easy, and enjoy the journey. You can still make it interesting, even if you are taking the slower path.” The best free PC games Here are the top free PC games for 2024, including Fortnite, League of ...
Here is an addon video that I put together demonstrating the pureness and silliness of this addon, this is the Farting Addon! Downloads fart.mcaddon Supported Minecraft versions 1.16.201 You may also like... Forge's Halloween Backgrounds ...
alphabet-speedrun-fabric-3.2.10.jar Supported Versions 1.20-Snapshot Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:alphabet-speedrun-855890:4566314" Copy to clipboard Quilt modImplementation "curse.maven:alphabet-speedrun...