tickspeed1.0for minecraft1.10.0发布!命令:/tickspeed [frequency] [mode]frequency代表每秒钟tick的数量。原版为20。请输入1到1000之内的数字!为了玩家更好操作,新添了mode这个选项。它决定将改变应用于哪些地方。当输入0时,将tickspeed的更改应用于服务端与所有的客户端。当输入1时,将更改应用于本地的客户端当...
Compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.1. MAIN FEATURES - Speedrunner tools and armor that are better than iron, and great for speedrunning. - Built-in auto-reset button, to increase your speedrunning efficiency. - Buffed piglin trades, removed piglin brutes, and the end fight is much easier...
For a more stable mod, without input recording and playback, checkLoTAS TASmod A Tool-Assisted Speedrun-Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2. Is able to capture inputs and play them back, by pretending to be a keyboard. To reduce complexity, all aspects of RNG-Manipulation have been externalized to ...
This ranged weapon deals more damage than bow and shoots arrows faster, but takes much longer to charge. When charged, it stays loaded, until player shoots by using it again. This means, that you can be always prepared to shoot for a lot of damage. It uses the same ammo as normal bow...
Extremely precise and advanced old animations mod for 1.8.9. Originally a fork of Sk1erLLC's OldAnimations mod, it has turned into a much larger mod with essentially full 1.7 parity, animations from ancient and modern Minecraft, custom animations, and much more!
001-Tobey's BepInEx Pack for Subnautica 【BepInEx前置】 mod必需文件,需在任何mod使用前安装 002-Nautilus 【鹦鹉螺扩展包】 一款将自定义资源导入游戏的mod,包括但不限于模型、纹理、声音;自定义项目例如配方、PDA条目;内部配置菜单等。 003-ModdedArmsHelper 【机械臂模组拓展】 一个助手API,帮助模组制作者轻...
Lithium is a modern, general-purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) with the goal of not changing any vanilla mechanics. The mod works on both the client and server, and can be installed on servers ...