在世界设置中加入了新的“Respawn Radius”选项。 加入了sendcommandblockfeedback、maxcommandchainlength和commandblockoutput规则。 和命令延迟选项相关。 加入了一些 2815 minecraft同人游戏吧 Nobody_梅友人 Minecraft大战僵尸2的Wiki来了!Hi!大家好,我是Nobody1570,一个什么都厨一点的人(雾),也是Minecraft大战僵尸2...
作弊fireworkessentials.firework.fire允许玩家在手中生成一个烟火的拷贝Allows a user to 'spawn' a ...
本次更新加入了几个命令相关的功能,以及扩展游戏的附加包和地图制作方面的更新。 新内容 物品 相机 重新加入了相机 只能通过使用 /give 命令来获得 命令格式 游戏规则 加入了spawnradius规则。 允许指定玩家的生成半径。 在世界设置中加入了新的“Respawn Radius”选项。 加入了sendcommandblockfeedback、maxcommandchainl...
players can specify in their worlds called spawnRadius. The concept was adapted from how Java Edition implemented it. It allows players to specify a number between 0 and 32 to create an allowed area for spawning to take place. So a spawn radius of 27 is a larger circle than a radius of ...
/summon <entityType: EntityType> [spawnPos: x y z] [yRot: value] [xRot: value] [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string] 添加命令的子命令与子命令。(需要启用特定实验性玩法) /execute align <axes: string> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0>/execute facing <position: x y z> <chained...
ticking area is like aspawn chunkin the game. The creation of a ticking area allows you to ensure that areas in the game update even when no players are around, thus ensuring that mobs do not despawn and your crops continue to grow. Let's explore how to use this cheat (game command)...
[Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans, Xeology, KHobbits], EssentialsSpawn vPre2.11.1.2 com.earth2me.essentials.spawn.EssentialsSpawn [Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans, Xeology, KHobbits], ScriptBlock v0.8.7 scriptblock....
SPAWN_RADIUS) { event.getLeft().add(TextFormatting.GREEN + UtilChat.lang("debug.spawn.chunks")); } } 代码示例来源:origin: PenguinSquad/Harvest-Festival public static boolean teleportToOverworld(Entity entity) { int mineID = getMineID((int) entity.posZ >> 4); TownTracker tracker = HF...
Information icon.svg 此特性为Java版独有。在13w36a快照之后,NBT标签(亦称数据标签)可以在/give和/...
It can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has 其生成生物时可无视该...