【Shaders】E..【Shaders】Error:Invalid program “shaders” 求大佬的帮助,开了光影突然出现这个,然后fps掉到3【图片】电脑是笔记本1660ti和9300i7,SUSE PTGI E12光影已经用了1年多了,今天突然就出来这个然后帧数从40降到3求大佬帮助啊
光影出现错误,[sh..RC6无效,很多seus和一些光影也无效,说“final”程序错误而且在地狱就这样大家来帮帮我啊求助配置:CPU:Intel core i5 m 480 @2.67GHzRAM:4.00GB(3.80
下载好的光影包一般都是一个zip格式的压缩文件,我们不需要解压它,只需要将它复制到游戏根目录下的“shaderpacks”文件夹中即可启用,这个文件夹会在正确安装GLSL ShadersMOD并启动一次游戏后自动生成,当然你也可以自己先创建一个。如果你同时安装了多个光影包,可以在游戏选项菜单中的新增的“Shaders”项下选择生效的光...
But after 4080, most shaders simply don't display anything or error out with "Invalid program final". It seems that the GPU does not recognize the GLSL code contained within the "final" shader program, and if "final" does not run, the whole shader does not run. Such shader in...
[Shaders]OpenGL error: 1285 (Out of memory), program: gbuffers_textured, at: pre-useProgram Activity All Comments History Activity Transitions Newest first Collapse comment: Galaxy_2Alex added a comment - 29/Sep/20 11:38 PM Galaxy_2Alexadded a comment -29/Sep/20 11:38 PM ...
但是装mod的时候发现好多mod只支持forge,就又装了这个,但是加光影的时候发现好卡,相同的光影(区分了版本哈)就是很卡,我还把显卡设置了高性能但没用光影是photon,原先以为是光影不是很适配OptiFine,然后我又换成了BSL,但是也很卡聊天框显示信息 [Shaders]Error:Invalid program "gbuffers_line' 是有啥东西我没...
注:我用的是独显,集显是歇着的,机型为y7000p 2023 试用光影有BSL、SEUS11、chocapic13、sildurs vibrant shaders high~lite 分享3216 minecraft吧 超级苦比的 急!光影包把显卡搞出问题了刚刚在网上下了光影包,进去试了试效果,在选择光影效果界面手贱点了那个极致光影效果,结果游戏闪退了,而且进去有雪花闪烁,浏览...
Affects Version/s:1.21 Labels: auto-saving datapack file locked map-item Confirmation Status: Plausible Category: Maps,Performance,Save Data Mojang Priority: Normal Area: Platform Description Steps to reproduce Open a world with many locked maps, or create one with an empty map and a glass pane...
Shaders (loaded by either Optifine, Iris or otherwise) will in all likelihood break when a gun is held. This is because guns need to skip vanilla's first person item setup for the rendering, however shaders apparently use the setup step for setting certain GL states, and skipping that wi...
[11:47:22][Client thread/WARN]: Could not find uniform named Radius in the specified shader program. [11:47:22][Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load shader: minecraft:shaders/post/entity_outline.json ku: Invalid shaders/post/entity_outline.json passes[1]->uniforms[0]: Uniform 'BlurDir...