官方链接:https://github.com/CaptTatsu/BSLShadersLang/blob/main/lang/zh_CN.lang (Github内地访问较慢,可以直接点后面的网盘地址下载光影,也可以复制下面的汉化文件内容,然后粘贴到光影文件包内的语言文件中,路径为shaders(光影包)/lang/zh_cn.lang,如果没有请自建文件,注意后缀为.lang) 网盘地址:https://p...
Downloads ENLS.mcpack Get Enlight Graphics Command Center (Updated) Join our Discord! Supported Minecraft versions 1.18 (beta) 1.16.221 1.16 Resolutions Shaders You may also like... Colored Lights 22 Nov, 2021 Haptic Shader (Nether Fix, 2022) 15 Oct, 2023 Haptic Shader (Lite) ...
Various lighting and reflection tests in the house of lights, here you will find all types of tests from colored lights to reflection (Be careful when entering the place, this can cause massive fps drops). Testing place for colored glass / rotating point light. A session with all the struct...
- Added subtle emission to the tiny shroomlight-colored pixels of Weeping Vines - Added "Alternative Command Blocks" option - Improved reflectance of a bunch of "should be shiny" materials including Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, Quartz, and more - Improved Auto-Generated Normals. They are generall...
A simple Minecraft Java shader that attempts to maintain the vanilla aesthetic while adding optional shadows & colored lighting.
What’s Inside? - Realistic texture packs for detailed environments. - Breathtaking oceans and water effects. - Realistic skies with multicolored sunsets and sunrises. - Popular shaders like SFLP and cinematic effects. - And much more to explore!
What’s Inside? - Realistic texture packs for detailed environments. - Breathtaking oceans and water effects. - Realistic skies with multicolored sunsets and sunrises. - Popular shaders like SFLP and cinematic effects. - And much more to explore!
我的世界光影Shrimple shaders,适用于Minecraft 1.20.4 1.19.4版本,是一款低配置的JAVA光影,专为低配置电脑设计的光线追踪着色器。它是一款简单的Minecraft Java着色器,旨在保持原版游戏的视觉风格,同时增加可选的阴影和彩色光照效果。 光影功能 1. Waving Plants:摇曳的植物。这个特性使得游戏中的植物(如草、树叶等...
Water light absorption and refraction. Multicolored block lighting with contribution to ray marched fog. Various sky effects: Aurora Borealis, Milky Way, Ender Nebula, Ender Black Hole and more. Cinematic post effects: bloom, chromatic aberration, depth of field, distant blur, TAA, FXAA. Advanced...
官方链接:https://github.com/CaptTatsu/BSLShadersLang/blob/main/lang/zh_CN.lang (Github内地访问较慢,可以直接点后面的网盘地址下载光影,也可以复制下面的汉化文件内容,然后粘贴到光影文件包内的语言文件中,路径为shaders(光影包)/lang/zh_cn.lang,如果没有请自建文件,注意后缀为.lang) 网盘地址:https://p...