Trial Chambers are the newest structure in Minecraft 1.21, so seeds containing them at the start like this one are welcome sights. This Trial Chamber is even cooler for Java players because it holds a ruined portal. The portal's Netherrack seeps through the walls, contrasting nicely with the ...
This seed a much bigger version of the medieval castle; it has three extra towers, an extra floor, and a bridge. The interior of this castle is made of wood with balconies and lots of rooms -- but there is still much space for improvement. ThisMinecraftcastle works great for survival mi...
A Savanna Island with a Savanna Village is the starting point of this world. Around the island's coast are a few buried treasure chests while the ocean is home to several Warm Ocean Ruins. Since there are a few caves on the island's northern end, you can use them to gather copper to...
Minecraft seeds: Fresh new worldsMinecraft texture packs: PixelatedMinecraft servers: Online worldsMinecraft commands: All cheatsMinecraft build ideas: What to build next Choices are vast, with every category bursting at the seams with mods that range from basic quality of life updates to turning ...
the beloved Axolots, Glow Squids, and goats into Minecraft. With them came new underground biomes and, as usually added in new updates, lots of new blocks and bug fixes. Check out all of the changes that came along with this update in our list of the 20 best Minecraft 1.17.1 seeds....
Sniffers can be tempted by, and bred with Torchflower Seeds 嗅探兽可用火把花种子引诱和繁殖Sniffer Egg嗅探兽蛋 Can be found by brushing the Suspicious Sand of Warm Ocean Ruins 可以在暖水海底废墟的可疑的沙子中觅得 When two Sniffers breed they do not immediately spawn a Snifflet; instead, a Sn...
North of the forest, you might stumble across a shipwreck with a fair amount of loot onboard. Next to the shipwreck, there are some ruins with lots of chests. But, the ruins are filled with drowned, so beware. Under the water, you will find more ruins buried among the seagrass....
15 Best Cherry Blossom Seeds in Minecraft 4. Great 1.16 Speedrunning Seed Here, we bring you an amazing MC 1.16 speedrunning seed, as someone kindly suggested in the comments – thank you! Your spawn point is right next to a large ocean biome, which means there are lots of beach biomes...
Before jumping into the list, you must understand the basics of what makes a good landing spot. Sure, any location with decent loot and lots of chests might serve you well, but there's more to that. Is that spot often contested by other players in the lobby? Can you farm mats easily...
Offer them plants and seeds to trade.Drops: stems, sticks, saplings, leaves Naiad Gentle protectors of the rivers and oceans. Sometimes wield tridents.Drops: cod, prismarine Satyr Fun-loving, pipe-playing, fire-dancing goatmen;Satyr shamans will summon wolves when they are attacked.Drops: ...