Finally, look for a home within the village that has stone slab on the roof. This is the home of an armorer, weapon smith, or tool smith.Within this type of home, there is always a chest inside. Open the chest and add these items to your inventory....
Players who prefer to stay on land will have easy access to a buried treasure chest. To make this seed a little sweeter, the village's beach is home to a group of sea turtles while the Savanna biome nearby has a bunch of armadillos. ...
The best thing you can do is sneak up to the top of the tower past the pillagers equipped with crossbows. Avoid getting caught and you’ll be able to access your very own crossbow, which is located in the chest. Seed code:-5479241985391318616 ...
A guide filled with 41 of the best Minecraft seeds for 1.21.4 that we've ever come across, from fantastic diamond spawns to survival islands and more!,
This seed seems to have an added knack for natural verticality. For instance, there are huge randomly generated spires and floating islands that break up the biomes and leave the world difficult to traverse. There is a small village about 1000 blocks away from spawn, but you will have to do...
Diamonds have always been the best resource to find in Minecraft, with the right world seed putting players in the right place to easily mine them.
Bedrock players have the fortune of a Blacksmith village near the Spawn cavern in this seed. The Blacksmith's chest contains a few iron tools and iron ingots, giving you everything you need to start exploring the cavern. Java players will not have this village, but they can find a buried...
The village is inside the mountain dome, so you don’t need to go out of the mountainous terrain to obtain resources. With a village at spawn, it opens up some opportunities forvillager tradeslater in the game. Finally, there’s also a nearby ancient city on this seed. Ancient cities ar...
4. Minecraft PE 1.19 Speedrunning Seed This seed can give you a major advantage if you want tospeedrun Minecraftafter the 1.19 update. In this seed, you spawn in a jungle biome that’s close to a savanna village. There are a variety of Minecraft villagers here to get you beds, food, ...
best Minecraft mansion seed you should try if you arelooking for a dangerous adventure. In this world, you spawn in a small village that offers enough resources to help you get started with your journey. It also has a weaponsmith, so you can easily get iron armor from its chest at spawn...