float_range "vertical_radius_multiplier" : opt // Vertical radius multiplier. float_range "floor_level" : opt // Floor Level. block_reference "replace_air_with" : opt // Reference to the block to replace air blocks with. } ExampleCarve caves normally...
Sapphre Ore on Left an Nether Sapphire Ore on Right. Sapphire Ore will spawn with the Basalt Flats at sea floor level Each ore does not naturally spawn due to a known bug in the 1.16 nether Update by Mojang Studios. This bug also prevents custom blocks from showing in the crafting menu ...
Guardian spawning fails 95% of the time if the spawn water block is below sea level, all blocks between the spawn block and sea level are liquid or fully transparent and under an open sky. Guardians spawn between Y = 39 (ocean monument floor) to Y = 63 (default sea level). Guardians ...
face wall floorceilingwall 方块放置的朝向。分别代表方块的底部、顶部和侧面。 facing north northsoutheastwest 从按钮附着的方块到按钮的方向。与玩家放置按钮时玩家的朝向相反。 powered false truefalse 如果按钮目前是激活的,则为True。 基岩版: 名称默认值接受值描述 button_pressed_bit 0 01 按钮是否被激活。
Sea level height, toggles for cave, village, temple, ocean monument, dungeon, water lake, lava lake, stronghold, mineshaft and ravine generation, sliders to control water lake, lava lake and dungeon rarity, toggle to turn oceans into lava oceans, biome selection, biome and river size sliders...
The Floor is Lava!地板是熔岩! 指一种简单的游戏:将地面想象成熔岩,因此玩家要用尽方法让自己的身体离开地面来躲避熔岩。 1.9.0( Make a viral video!!1[原文如此]制作一个超火的视频!!1 1.9.0( When it's ready!当准备好的时候! 对因长年跳票而臭名昭著的永远的毁灭公爵的...
8. Ocean monuments spawn at a hardcoded height of Y 63, disregarding ocean floor height/sea level.You can see that here:https://youtu.be/5lfsKyAyifI The code that produces this can be found in 2 places in the `OceanMonumentPieces` class. ...
Plateaus had steep edges that rose to within 20-30 blocks above sea level, where they quickly flatten. The top of these plateaus typically had scattered dead bushes. Occasional ponds appeared on plateau tops. The sides of the plateau occasionally revealed caverns and mineshafts. River biomes that...
State value Blocks ceiling double_wall floor single_wall Bell axisWhat axis the block is oriented to. State value Blocks x y z Log (including all variants, wood, bamboo, and stripped versions of bamboo, logs, and wood) Stem (including all variants, hyphae, and stripped versions of both...