OCEAN_FLOOR_WG:最高的既不是空气也不包含液体的方块。此值用于世界生成,生成完毕后此值被删除。 WORLD_SURFACE:最高的非空气方块。 WORLD_SURFACE_WG:最高的非空气方块。此值用于世界生成,生成完毕后此值被删除。 InhabitedTime:所有玩家在此区块停留的总刻数,如果有多个玩家在这个区块停留过则分别计时并相加。
· MC-255811 — 即便正在下雨,Level#isRainingAt(BlockPos)方法总会对积雪类和冰冻类生物群系返回false值。 · MC-256292 — 世界生成完成后,山羊不能再在草方块上生成。 · MC-256650 — 青蛙停止移动后进入空闲状态的过程没有平滑过渡。 · MC-257464 — 美西螈缓慢移动时,其行走动画会出现卡顿。 · MC-...
Guardian spawning fails 95% of the time if the spawn water block is below sea level, all blocks between the spawn block and sea level are liquid or fully transparent and under an open sky. Guardians spawn between Y = 39 (ocean monument floor) to Y = 63 (default sea level). Guardians ...
generates under deserts, beach, and warm ocean contains Husk spawner Ice Dungeon small dungeon made of ice, packed ice, snow, and powdered snow generates under snow biomes contains Stray spawner a unique weapon the "Ice Dagger" can be found here Wild Dungeon medium sized dungeon made of moss...
TT6, and then I made some adjustments, it also uses the default Minecraft XP texture Underneath. if you want this pack and all of the RGB styles also works very nicely withhttps://mcpedl.com/animated-rgb-xp-bar/if you want the bar and XP level to be animated instead of a single ...
8. Ocean monuments spawn at a hardcoded height of Y 63, disregarding ocean floor height/sea level.You can see that here:https://youtu.be/5lfsKyAyifI The code that produces this can be found in 2 places in the `OceanMonumentPieces` class. ...
When you reach the designated y-level, first make sure where you want the floor of your mine to be. Now count 3 blocks up from the floor, and place a sign on the wall in the column with air (i.e. below the first sign). Then, place the third sign next to it on the wall, ...
. If the winch is placed on a ceiling, the winch will also lower the pulled blocks when power is cut off to the winch. Additionally, the winch has a mode where it will stall the chain (not raise or lower it) if it is powered but the power level is between 1-3. The winch ...
A flooded, mysteriously beautiful biome hiding beneath the ocean floor. -Filled with shallow water pools. -Home to the two pearlescent Jellyfish. -Nematocyst and Mesoglea patches decorate the floors and ceilings of this biome. -Contains many Mesoglea paths and pillars, encouraging exploration to...
A new high-level material found in the Nether. Use it to upgrade your diamond gear!一种能在下界发现的新型高级材料。用它来升级你的钻石制物品。 HOW TO MAKE NETHERITE如何制作狱盐 Mine Ancient Debris in the lower depths of the Nether. At own risk. No insurance coverage for that在下界深处挖掘...