Promise based minecraft rcon client, with support of types Installation npm i minecraft-rcon-client Usage import{Rcon}from"minecraft-rcon-client";constclient=newRcon({host:'',port:25575,password:'test'});awaitclient.connect();constresponse=awaitclient.query('list');console.log(response)...
mcrcon is console based Minecraftrconclient for remote administration and server maintenance scripts. Installing: via packet manager: See available packages in various Linux distros (note that available packages might be outdated). ...
最近玩幻兽帕鲁让我找到了一个叫rcon client的APP,还挺好用,但是所有指令都得你自己手机手动输入 ...
rcon-client A modern RCON client made for Minecraft that features a packet queue rcon client promise typescript minecraft protocol janispritzkau •4.2.5•5 months ago•16dependents•MITpublished version4.2.5,5 months ago16dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
online-mode=truemax-build-height=256level-seed=motd=A Minecraft Serverenable-rcon=false 2楼2014-12-14 00:44 回复 孤V夜 世界重构 1 .bat的设置@echo offjava -Xmx2048M -server -Xincgc -jar forge-1.8- 3楼2014-12-14 00:46 收起回复 ...
863 次提交 .github upgrade go version 7个月前 bot Add item DataComponent implements (part 1) 7个月前 chat Fix chat test 10个月前 data Add item DataComponent implements (part 1) 7个月前 examples fix item displays name on example/daze ...
Note: Due to the way the RCON protocol works, I cannot currently provide a real-time chat client. A workaround is in progress for the future. Note 2: Similarly, if you use a Bukkit plugin that changes the names of players on your player list, you may find that quick actions do not...
"""A client for handling Remote Commands (RCON) to a Minecraft server The recommend way to run this client is using the python 'with' statement. This ensures that the socket is correctly closed when you are done with it rather than being left open. Example: In [1]: from mcrcon import...
There's some library in Go support you to create your Minecraft client or server. 这是一些Golang库,用于帮助你编写自己的Minecraft客户端或服务器。 👍 Minecraft network protocol 👍 Robot framework 👍 Server framework 👍 Dual role RCON protocol (Server & Client) ...
independently of mcipc, e.g. for other games which support the RCON protocol. Furthermoremcipc's RCON client implementations have been overhauled. They now provide functions to interact with the respective server. It was therefor necessary to not have one implementation ofmcipc.rcon.Client, but...