Rcon commands with arguments must be enclosed in quotes. Example: mcrcon -H my.minecraft.server -p password “say Server is restarting!” save-all stop (4) 下载minecraft服务端 可在minecraft官网获取最新官方服务端下载链接 wget https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/a16d67e5807f57fc4e550299cf20...
接下来,编辑server.properties文件以启用 rcon 协议并设置 rcon 密码。使用文本编辑器打开文件: nano ~/server/server.properties 找到以下几行并更新它们的值,如下所示: ~/server/server.properties rcon.port=25575 rcon.password=strong-password enable-rcon=true 不要忘记将 更改strong-password为更安全的内容。如...
Specifies the OP level with which commands can be executed. At level 4, these can stop the server as an example or kick or ban players.
Navigate to or load up your RCON application, such asCMS Engine. Proceed to use your Minecraft serverIP Address:RCON PortandPasswordto login. If successful, an authentication message will appear in the prompt. Continue to type and enter any valid commands in the text box to test the connectio...
To run a simple, one-shot command, such as stopping a Minecraft server, pass the command as arguments to rcon-cli, such as:docker exec mc rcon-cli stop The -i is not needed in this case.If rcon is disabled you can send commands by passing them as arguments to the packaged mc-send...
rcon.port=Sets the RCON network port.server-port=Changes the port the server is hosting on.server-ip=The player should set this if they want the server to bind to a particular IP. It is strongly recommended that the player leaves server-ip blank....
"""A client for handling Remote Commands (RCON) to a Minecraft server The recommend way to run this client is using the python 'with' statement. This ensures that the socket is correctly closed when you are done with it rather than being left open. Example: In [1]: from mcrcon import...
server-ip= spawn-npcs=true allow-flight=false level-name=worldview-distance=10 resource-pack= spawn-animals=true white-list=false rcon.password= generate-structures=true online-mode=true max-build-height=256 level-seed= prevent-proxy-connections=false ...
rcon.port=25575 level-seed= gamemode=survival #默认游戏模式 enable-command-block=false #是否允许使用命令方块enable-query=false generator-settings= level-name=world motd=A Minecraft Server #服务器介绍(在“多人游戏”界面显示,可以自己随喜好更改) ...
MConsole, Minecraft RCON Admin最新版截图 # MConsole, Minecraft RCON Admin最新版 MConsole is a simple RCON based Minecraft server administration tool/console.It allows you to manage players, banlist, world properties remotely from your android in easy way, you can also send console commands.To ...