【重发】【教程】Cu..Custom Stuff 2是一个API性质的Mod,可以实现往里面添加方块,物品,改变图形界面(GUI,用户图形接口),在地图上生成方块等功能。【想往游戏里添加物品或方块的吧友一定可以试下这个mod
The Minecraft Block Wizard is a plugin for Blockbench. It allows you to add a custom block to Minecraft without any coding experience or knowledge of the addon system. It does this by generating an addon on your computer, which you can add to your world. ...
Type: (arg:BlockComponentEntityFallOnEvent) =>void onPlace onPlace?: (arg: BlockComponentOnPlaceEvent) => void; This function will be called when the block that this custom component is bound to is placed. Type: (arg:BlockComponentOnPlaceEvent) =>void ...
custom_items.yml文件里可以给物品设置别名,例如把cooked_porkchop(熟猪排)设置别名breakfast,把sand(沙子)设置别名snad(应该是为了防止打错) config.yml里配置插件的基本参数,跟服务器保护有关,比如说可以把protect: prevent:栏里的苦力怕爆炸对建筑、物品的毁坏给关了(设置为true即为阻止破坏) ...
BlockCustomComponent BlockEventOptions BlockFillOptions BlockFilter BlockHitInformation BlockRaycastHit BlockRaycastOptions CameraDefaultOptions CameraEaseOptions CameraFadeOptions CameraFadeTimeOptions CameraSetFacingOptions CameraSetLocationOptions CameraSetPosOptions ...
import { DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function checkBlockTags(log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { // Fetch the block const block = targetLocation.dimension.getBlock(targetLocation); // check that the block is loaded if (bloc...
Plugin can read tags from it, save, and remove container. You can use these objects: me - you =) as player item, i - item in hand (only tagged items) block, b - block at the line of sight chunk - chunk in player's position (disabled in 1.17+) id<?> - entity with specified...
code literacy has become an increasingly popular part of higher education curriculum. Parents, schools and future employers have been pushing to integrate the developer's languages -- JavaScript, HTML, CSS -- as early as grade school to give kids a head start. One stumbling block is making the...
Lucky OneBlock - Lucky Blocks - Multiplayer - [ 1.21.3!! ] Byel_this_boy 752.4K Worlds It is an map just like the OneBlock map from IJAMinecraft. On this map you will appear as a single block floating above the void. You will forever break a Lucky Block! Good luck!