blockObj=mc.getBlockWithData(0,0,0)#retrieves a block object for the block at 0,0,0 .setBlock(x,y,z) "Set block (x,y,z,id,[data])" mc.setBlock(0,0,0, a block at an x, y, z co-ordinate to a particular typemc.setblock(0,0,0,,1)#se... //limit <参数> 设置一个修改的最大数量方块(个)。 历史纪录 //undo 复原最后一个动作。 //redo 还原复原的动作。 /clearhistory 清除历史纪录。 选取区 //sel <形状> 选择区域的形状。形状有:长方形(cuboid) 椭...
getEntitiesAtBlockLocation getEntitiesFromRay getPlayers getTopmostBlock playSound runCommand setBlockPermutation setBlockType setWeather spawnEntity spawnItem spawnParticle containsBlock containsBlock(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): boolean ...
Example, set variable: /nbt %var select - waiting for future object => select entity or block by right-click and selected object is stored in variable %var API About [MineCraft] Minecraft PowerNBT plugin
matches north offset setPermutation setType setWaterlogged southwest aboveabove(steps?: number): Block | undefinedReturns the @minecraft/server.Block above this block (positive in the Y direction).Parameterssteps?: number = 1 Number of steps above to step before returning.Returns Block | undefined...
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+ "[LoginPlugin] Please login first.");//引导玩家登录//...} } } @EventHandlerpublicvoidonBreakBlock(BlockBreakEvent event) { Player player=event.getPlayer(); UUID uuid=player.getUniqueId();if(!user_data.containsKey(uuid)) { ...
(/resadmin)AdminOPs:true# 如果设置为true,则将领地设置上升至管理员也可操作,不需要/resadmin指令,如果是Op的领地,则其他Op操作需要相应的权限AdminFullAccess:false# 这是你在使用的多世界插件的名字.# 唯一的功能是确保你安装了多世界插件,以便本插件正确加载其他世界的领地.MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core#...
After you have created a custom block with the Wizard, you can use Blockbench to design a custom 3D model for it. The plugin works similarly to theMinecraft Entity Wizard, which you can use to create custom entities. Demonstration: How to Make a Custom Block ...
中文Wiki: 官网: 英文Wiki: 构建: GitHub: Luckperms:提供权限组管理,个人认为比GroupManager好用,安装完第一次启动可能比较慢...