更多附魔(More Enchantments)Mod只要使用附魔便可直接附魔,最高等级的附魔书在“创造模式”中直接提供 【靴子附魔】 1. 迅捷: 每级附魔增加使用者 12.5%的行走和疾跑速度。 2. 跃进: 每级附魔让使用者跳跃高度增加一格。 3 冰径之途: @使玩家脚下的水面冻结. @当玩家踏过熔岩时使之冻结为黑曜石。如果玩家跑...
奇妙的魔法 Wonderful Enchantments Mod由作者“Majrusz17”所制作。 Wonderful Enchantments添加了许多独特的附魔。 前置mod Majrusz Library 【百度网盘提取码:g6sk】【360云盘提取码:5fc8】【官方下载】 标签1.12.2mod工具mod魔法mod1.15.2mod1.16.5mod1.17.1mod1.18.1mod...
Enchantments Control is a mod that’s been directed towards players who frequently use enchantments in Minecraft and want a higher level of control over the attributes of these enchantments. Enchantments are an essential part of Minecraft that often make the game a lot more enjoyable than it usual...
虽然原版MC已经给我们提供了如此多的附魔,但是仍然有的玩家会认为不够用。 “有冰霜行者了,为什么没有岩浆行者?” “为什么引雷必须要在雷雨天才能使用?” 本模组提供了许多富有实用性的附魔,可以完美解决上面的问题。
Apotheosis leans into Minecraft's approach to magic instead of replacing it, by enhancing everything from potions to enchanting. You'll be able to craft potions you can turn on and off in the form of charms, create powerful new enchantments based on what arcane objects you can surround your...
STILL DOWNLOADING Description This mod aims to give the player more choices when it comes to enchantments, adding in some hopefully vanilla-friendly enchantments Currently, this mod adds: Leeching Veinminer Autosmelting Shocking Persist Vacuum Harvest...
Mod LoadersView all Forge Categories Utility & QoL Main File 1.16.5 allenchantmentsfortrade-1.16.5-1.2.jar ReleaseR 1.16.5 Forge Jun 29, 2023 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.20 allenchantmentsfortrade-1.20.1-1.0.jar ReleaseR 1.20.1 Forge Jun 29, 2023 Minecraft 1.19 allenchantmentsfortrade-1.19...
minecraftresourcepackpixelartminecraftmodtexturepack UpdatedJul 14, 2016 StellarWind22/Fabric-Shield-Lib Star42 Code Issues Pull requests Library for easily adding new shields, shield enchantments, and enabling you to enchant shields in general without worry of conflictions. ...
魔法控制可用于Minecraft 1.10,1.11和1.12,这是一个可供选择的各种选项,所以你不太可能必须升级或降级你的Minecraft客户端以充分利用这个mod。 结论 总的来说,如果你发现自己在玩Minecraft时经常使用附魔,那么Enchantments Control是一个你应该仔细研究的mod,因为它会为你提供大量的自定义选项,你可以根据这些选项微调这些...
FlashFyre's Enchantments为游戏加入了18种新的附魔, 模组作者FlashFyre表示高版本的附魔模组都太bt,所以自己开发了一个没那么破坏平衡的附魔模组 本模组已由本人汉化。没记错的话这是我搬的第4个附魔模组了XD ||武器附魔 嗜血:击杀怪物后获得力量效果