可用分判据如下: "acquireIron", "bakeCake", "blazeRod", "bookcase", "breedCow", "buildBetterPickaxe", "buildFurnace", "buildHoe", "buildPickaxe", "buildSword", "buildWorkBench", "cookFish", "diamonds", "diamondsToYou", "enchantments", "exploreAllBiomes", "flyPig", "fullBeacon", "...
The list of all the enchantments and how to enchant an item such as a pickaxe with the enchant command. What we’ll cover: Minecraft Enchantment List /enchant Command Enchant Command Generator Go to the enchant generator Minecraft Enchantment List /enchant Command I’m acommandexpert! To enchant...
物品的一般属性!(tons of item stats!)Display Name and Lore > 物品的显示名称与描述 Enchantments ...
/execute as @a if data entity @s Inventory[{Slot:0b}].tag.Enchantments[{id:"minecraft:efficiency"}] run tp @s 0 64 0[仅Java版] 在所有玩家眼睛前方三格召唤烟雾粒子效果: /execute as @a at @s anchored eyes run particle smoke ^ ^ ^3[仅Java版] 将所有在5米以内有玩家的猪上鞍: ...
class EntityTeleportCause(object): Unkown = "0" # 尚未具体分类,末影人自体传送目前归为此类 Projectile = "1" # 飞射物,类似末影珍珠 Command = "3" # op指令,类似传送指令 ChorusFruit = "2" # 吃紫颂果传送 Behavior = "4" # 微软原生脚本组件 Agent = "agent" # 教育版指导传送 Client = ...
Better arguments - Choose from over 50 arguments including location arguments, raw JSON, enchantments, lists, particles... all fully supported with built-in error checking! Support for proxied command senders - Run your command as other entities using /execute as ... run command Argument tooltips...
op装备 /give @s <物品>{Enchantments:[{id:<附魔效果>,lvl:<等级>}]} 下界合金头盔: /give @p minecraft:netherite_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:respiration,lvl:1},{id:aqua_affinity,lvl:1},{id:thorns,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]} ...
NEW:/enchantmax Enchants the item you're holding with all existing non-curse enchantments at maximum level. /explode [pos] [power] [fire] [destruct] [launch] Spawn an explosion at your feet. /extinguish Extinguish yourself for if you're on fire. ...
{id:"minecraft:bow",Count:1b, enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:flame",lvl:1}]}{}]}} 分享回复赞 minecraft吧 今井家的猫 【求助】坐标传送错误我用Spigot服务器,调用Minecraft python API中的传送功能的函数时,Y坐标定位出错了,如下图: 不知道是怎么回事,求助 分享7赞 minecraftpe吧 烟雨平生▫ 【宣传...
When present on an item, this item can have enchantments applied to it. Properties slots read-only slots: EnchantmentSlot[]; Type:EnchantmentSlot[] Notes: This property can throw errors when used. Methods addEnchantment addEnchantments canAddEnchantment ...