UCHIJAAAARWG{Alpha 1.3.2} [Realistic World Gen Alpha] (真实世界生成.jar) UCHIJAAAASleep{0.0-1} [Sleep] (睡眠回血.jar) UCHIJAAAAplo{1.0} [plo] (矿物种子.jar) UCHIJAAAARoxa's Experience Gem Mod{} [Roxa's Experience Gem Mod] (经验宝石.jar) UCHIJAAAADurabilityShow{1.2.0} [...
AlexModGuy / MinecraftForge AlgorithmX2 / MinecraftForge allaryin / MinecraftForge allenboyyy69 / MinecraftForge AlmuraDev / MinecraftForge Alpvax / MinecraftForge altaris-dev / MinecraftForge alucas / MinecraftForge amadornes / MinecraftForge ...
mod for builders to project shapes like circles and spheres into the world; [pic] ability to display a grid-like overlay over the world, with configurable spacing; [pic] easy zooming inside minecraft, using a single button;[pic] JEI addon that adds mob drops, ore gen, etc. ...
The flexibility of this tool also showcases its functionality. Allows for flexible and powerful control of world generation; used as the primary ore gen mod in many major mod packs. The proper development is more than 90% complete and the rest of the work will happen on the features. CoFH ...
minecraft modpack that focuses on worldgen, movement, and challenging combat without being unfairly difficult (hopefully) - satellaview-dev/voxelshock
→Darkness and night time have suddenly becomea whole lot scarier, making use of the mod"Hardcore darkness"players must actually light up their base and caves or they will be in retroactive pitch darkness, increased monster spawns in the dark makes it a scarier time overall for the unprepared...
src/main/resources/data/tutorialmod/tags/worldgen/biome/has_structure/923_house.json 该tag定一个了建筑可以生成在那个生物群系中。 {"replace":false,"_comment":"This biome tag can specify the biome directly.Or specify another biome tag by startingwith#","values":["#minecraft:is_jungle","#mi...
(WorldGenLoader.java:42) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_623_WorldGenLoader_HotSpringGen_Decorate.invoke(.dynamic) 分享5赞 minecraft吧 jjkhhumms 【萌新求助】关于服务器中创世神mod的问题在服务器端和客户端都打了创世神mod(基于Forge的),服务端重启后有下面的信息: 按理来...
I will be working on porting the "RealLan" mod as soon as I possibly can which should allow for joining LAN worlds across the internet using VPN softwares such as Hamachi. Be sure to joinour official Discord serverto be up to date on that and to have a chance to join our first Mine...
notenoughkeys{@MOD_VERSION@} [NotEnoughKEys] (NotEnoughKeys-1.7.10-1.0.0b29-client.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableOpenMods{0.6} [OpenMods] (OpenModsLib-1.7.10-0.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->...