Swinging animations can be disabled entirely if the swing speed is set to 0.More old school eye candy animations and visuals are also in-development.Important - None of the changes the mod makes to the game will impact block breaking speed or combat. Moreover, these changes are only visible...
Old Animations mod for Minecraft 1.8.9 minecraft version animations mods minecraft-mods oldanimtaionsmod minecraftoldmods minecraftold Updated Oct 9, 2024 Java BestCoder-USA / ModernFix-1.16.5 Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests ModernFix mod for Minecraft 1.16.5 minecraft modern forge...
This mod combines Overflow Animations (V1) with Sk1er Old Animations code into a singular mod, with bug fixes and additional features.Includes:Old Eating/Drinking Old Rod Position Old Bow Position Old Blockhitting Old Swing Animation Old Sneak Animation Armor turning red when hit Old Health Old...
据说LabyMod v3.7.x 与 ReplayMod 和其他 Forge mod 兼容。 低版本不兼容。 5.4.6 OldAnimationsMod 如果您的 Minecraft 在您同时使用 ReplayMod 和 OldAnimationsMod 时崩溃,请尝试删除 OldAnimationsMod。 5.4.7 Orange 的 1.7 Animations 如果您将 ReplayMod 与着色器和 1.7 Animations 一起使用,您可能会看到...
5.4.6 OldAnimationsMod In case your Minecraft crashes when you are using both ReplayMod andOldAnimationsMod, try removing OldAnimationsMod. 5.4.7 Orange's 1.7 Animations If you use ReplayMod with shaders and1.7 Animationsyou may see floating water and glass. Remove 1.7 Animations to resolve th...
replaymod-1.8.9-2.2.0-b7 Quickplay-1.8.9-2.0.2 PlayerAPI-1.8.9-1.0 Orange's Simple Mods-1.2 OptiFine_1.8.9_HD_U_I3 OldAnimationsMod v2.4.2 FORGE MC1.8.9 (1) MouseDelayFix-1.0 MemoryFix-0.3 DiscordRP-1.2.1 ctjs-0.11.4-SNAPSHOT ...
5.4.6 OldAnimationsMod In case your Minecraft crashes when you are using both ReplayMod andOldAnimationsMod, try removing OldAnimationsMod. 5.4.7 Orange's 1.7 Animations If you use ReplayMod with shaders and1.7 Animationsyou may see floating water and glass. Remove 1.7 Animations to resolve th...
Now all new Addons can be full-fledged, for example to add something, but not to change the existing. You can also create your own models, animations, behaviors, and other unique settings. Features Cows are generated in each biome Chance to spawn there are different Drop i...
Helped with the old Capability system and the Chinese translation files And, of course, anyone who's submitted anissueon GitHub! Thanks for supporting Wolf Armor and Storage! About Minecraft mod that improves vanilla wolves, no custom entities required. ...
Loled’s Animation Addon - a mod that introduces the new animations based on animations from Mojang Studio, including walking, climbing, swimming, and falling. Paleocraft Author:CompyCraft30/12/2022 Paleocraft Addon - A mod that stimulates the epic adventure back to the Cretaceous with 9 featurin...