The number of bites taken from the cake. State value Blocks Integer (0 to 6) Cake bottomWhether this scaffolding is floating (shows the bottom). State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Scaffolding chargesTracks the remaining uses of respawn anchors. ...
Type:number MoonPhaseCount static read-only MoonPhaseCount = 8; Holds the number of MoonPhases Type:number TicksPerSecond static read-only TicksPerSecond = 20; How many times the server ticks per second of real time. Type:number Objects ...
search_height 1 Integer number Height in blocks the mob will look for land to move towards Frog: 8, Turtle: 5 search_range 0 Integer number The distance in blocks it will look for land to move towards Frog: 30, Turtle: 16 speed_multiplier 1 Decimal number Moveme...
The main difference between the PC andPEversions is that the latter’s worlds are only 256 x 256 blocks in size, making it more difficult to create a variety of worlds for players. As of 2015, sharing seeds either through mobile or PC has been pretty much the same, but you may need ...
With more than 1.8 × 1019 possible maps, Minecraft is capable of providing an essentially endless number of possible worlds to explore. The number of possible worlds is a topic of debate as it also depends on which version of Minecraft is used. Different kinds of blocks tend to become avail...
/** A total count of the number of non-air blocks in this block storage's Chunk. */ privateintblockRefCount; /** * Contains the number of blocks in this block storage's parent chunk that require random ticking. Used to cull the ...
import{ BlockPermutation, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ Vector3Utils }from"@minecraft/math";import{ MinecraftBlockTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionaddBlockColorCube(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constallWoolBlocks:string[] = [ MinecraftBlockTypes.WhiteWool, Minecraft...
# X offset for initial spawn search in blocks //在默认情况下,原版会以0 0为中心尽量选择一个温暖的生物群系为生成点,这个地方用于默认选择一个出生点时搜索的x轴长度I:xSpawnOffset=0# Z offset for initial spawn search in blocks //同上,但这里是z轴I:zSpawnOffset=0} 9楼2019-01-18 14:19 ...
Added interface Vector2 {x: number, y: number} 加入了 Vector2 {x: number, y: number} 接口 Added function tryTeleport(location: Vector3, teleportOptions?: teleportOptions) : boolean - Attempts to teleport the entity and returns false if the entity is unable to teleport safely (blocks surrou...
command to revert back to the game state before the command was executed. you can also use this function to remove any items or blocks that were created by a command as well. it's important to keep in mind though that undoing commands won't work on every type of command, so it's ...