So, if you want that to be changed, you should check out this mod right now. The Better Animations Collection mod aims to bring life and character to all the mobs in Minecraft. You’ll encounter kneeling sheep, wobbly cows and creepers, wiggly villager noses and ghast tentacles, bending hu...
30 Exploding creepers!爆炸的苦力怕! 苦力怕,Minecraft中最具代表性的生物之一。 Indev 0.7.3 31 That's no moon!那不是月亮! 引用自《星球大战IV:新希望》中一句著名的台词:"That's no moon, it's a space station!"(那不是个月亮,那是个空间站!)。在Java版1.0.0-rc1前,此标语为"That's ...
This texture pack improves on the creeper by making it look like its surroundings. I adding 49 new creeper textures for you to try out. This will require you to install Optifine, but who doesn't have it. If you have any suggestions/changes to the texture pack, please leave them in the...
Extra Creeper Types is a mod that you simply must look into if you’ve grown bored of seeing the same kind of Creeper pop into your game world in order to cause havoc. Creepers are definitely among the most annoying aspects of Minecraft, but they’re still an essential part of the game...
Are you tired of losing all your precious items because of those sneaky Creepers that always catch you off guard? This mod is specifically designed for those who despise losing everything due to Creepers that seemingly appear out of nowhere. With Creeper Backguard, you can finally put an end...
Creepers no longer lose aggro immediately after losing sight of its target (MCPE-32815) 苦力怕丢失目标后不会立刻丢失仇恨了 Ghast hitbox now matches its rendering (MCPE-44326) 恶魂的碰撞箱不会偏移了 Fixed the "MeleeAttackGoal" to allow entities to hit target entities beneath them ...
Immerse yourself further in Minecraft's world of Creepers, Piglins, and Redstone, by playing in VR! Here's how... ByJason Currie Mar 23, 2022 Minecraft Redstone Explained: What Is It and How Does It Work? Gaming Want to know about the mysterious Minecraft redstone, and what it does?
闪烁标语(Splash)是主菜单上的黄色单行文本。其内容由下表中随机选取,并且通常引自流行文化(如网站、精悍引述和电子游戏等)。 在Java版中,这些标语以纯文本文件的形式在minecraft.jar(assets/minecraft/texts/splashes.txt)文件中定义,可在此或资源包中对应位置修改闪烁标语的内容。
Creepers no longer attack back after being rammed by a goat 苦力怕被山羊撞击后不会反击 Goats no longer overshoot or undershoot their jumps 山羊不再跳得过高或者过低 Goats can now always correctly be attacked after jumping 山羊跳跃后可以正常的被攻击 ...
跟踪苦力怕Stalker Creepers Mod 2017-03-17 20:33:21967 文章分类:MOD·原版加强Mod·1.10.x·1.9.x·1.7.x·1.11.x 链接:官网 跟踪苦力怕MOD会使游戏更加有趣,苦力怕会悄无声息的跟在你的背后,你可以一转身就被炸死了。(2333) Mod安装使用说明以及常见问题:...