Time: 20-11-22 下午6:05 Description: Exception in server tick loop Duplicate Mods: voxelmap : F:\服务器4\wowzhenm\.\mods\forgemod_VoxelMap-1.9.28_for_1.12.2.jar voxelmap : F:\服务器4\wowzhenm\.\mods\forgemod_VoxelMap-1.9.28_for_1.12.2.jar net.minecraftforge.fml.common....
public static EntityPlayerMPFake createShadow(MinecraftServer server, ServerPlayerEntity player) { player.getServer().getPlayerManager().remove(player); player.networkHandler.disconnect(new TranslatableText("multiplayer.disconnect.duplicate_login")); ServerWorld worldIn = server.getWorld(player.dimension)...
310 Do you want to join my server? Relates to people in the community asking others to join their multiplayer servers. 1.8(14w05a) 311 Put a little fence around it! Refers to the "Catbug" episode of the YouTube series Bravest Warriors. 1.8(14w05a) ...
Rebirth of the Night aims to reach a level of believability where it doesn't feel like a modpack, but rather a unified game. This is simultaneously achieved and being achieved through removal of duplicate items from different mods, retexturing and renaming content to differentiate them, creating ...
Just like snowballs, they are not very good for fighting but can make for a fun multiplayer experience by throwing eggs at each other. You can throw chicken eggs into your chicken coop without worry, the chickens hit by the eggs will run and seem like they took damage, but thrown eggs ...
MC-189918 - Multiplayer warning uses “Mojang” instead of “Mojang Studios” MC-189918 - 多人游戏的警告中写的是「Mojang」而不是「Mojang Studios」 MC-190021 - Trying to mount a pig or strider while sneaking plays hand animation MC-190021 - 在潜行时与猪或炽足兽交互仍然会播放手部动画 MC-19...
Optimized for multiplayer! Collaborate on massive rail terminals and sprawling colonies, or compete to build the most efficient railway empire. Team up with friends to tackle large-scale projects and defend against hostile mobs and bandits. 🤝⚔️ ...
flying-vehicle: <lang:multiplayer.disconnect.flying> # 发现玩家乘坐飞行器(2b2t飞船?)时显示给玩家的警告 no-permission: <red>I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error. # 没有权限时显示给玩...
Store items. Item damage. Duplicate. Ideal Minecraft console commands Effort: if it’s not for you, there’s always cheats and also console commands. What far better method to conquer the sprawling sandbox that is a Minecraft globe than by pulling up the command bar, inputting in some word...
It does not have automate gameplay or duplicate items. X-ray is NOT included in the modpack. Certain mods are edge cases and require your review: Autoswitch gives a unfair advantage in games where you swap tools. It is intended to be used as a utility when mining only (and save low ...